T W E N T Y- T W O .

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{ Kalani Lewis .

Atlanta , GA}

''It's a bad bitch birthdayyyyyyyy

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''It's a bad bitch birthdayyyyyyyy.'' I yelled running through the house of sleeping people.

Amari was in my guest room , Nuni and Kam were sleep on the airbed and Laila was sleep with Sean in my room.

I slept on the couch.. el oh el

''you geekin at 8:30 go the fuck to sleep.'' Amari mumbled.

''you hating  ?'' 

''Ian hating on shit im tired .'' 

''Okay.'' I frowned and pretended to go back to sleep but I grabbed pans and water.


''we up we upppp.'' Laila yelled and ran downstairs.

I sat down on the couch innocently as everyone gave me stares.

''why you so hype ?'' Kam asked.


''What's today's date ?'' Sean asked.

''the seventh why ?'' Amari said.

''Oh yea I got shit to do today.'' he said patting his pockets and I frowned.

These bitches forgot my birthday.

''Lani Ima need you take Laila for today , if youn feel like it I can take her to my grandfathers.'' Sean said.

''Yea Ion got nuffin else to do today.'' I shrugged irritated .


''This your fourth bag of takis. Are you okay ?'' Laila asked as we walked through the mall.

''yeah.. they just good.'' I said.

''Is that Nuni'ana ?'' Laila asked

''Heyyy ya'lllll.'' Nuni walked up to us before I could respond.

''hmm'' she handed me a wad of money.

''get ya hair done , you need it done.'' she said taking Laila.

''where ya'll going-

''I wan spend time with her , I can't or some ?'' she asked and I shrugged.

I walked into the hair salon I seen and sat down.

''you got a ticket ?'' the lady at the desk asked.

''No I jus want my hair done.'' I said and she nodded pointing to a seat .

''why you look so sad?'' she asked as I took my bonnet off.

''I do ?'' I said not even realizing I had a mug on my face.

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