1-In the orphanage

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(Y/n Pov)

In the orphanage we were greeted by a not so happy looking middle-aged woman. We waved goodbye to the care worker, and we were then pushed into the orphanage. The woman locked the door behind herself and told us to follow her. The woman took us into her office and motioned for the two of us to sit down. As soon as we did, she started talking to us.

''Right, you two must be the Rodger Hatch twins right?'' the woman asked the two of us.

(We nodded our heads at the woman.)

''Verbal response.'' The woman said.

''Yes, we are."

''Well first off you will address me as madam, Mrs. or Mrs. Thompson. Second off you will be sleeping in the same room as you are twins, and you will be made to do chores. Every morning there will be a list on the dining room table of what chores to be done by the end of the day. Any chores not done will result in consequences. If you misbehave or yell or do anything disrespectful there will be consequences. I expect you to be up at 6 sharp and ready for school by 8. You will be going to the local high school. Curfew is 5 o clock and can be extended if you have come and asked me.' She said all of this in less than 2 minutes which surprised us.

''Yes madam.' We both said this in unison and madam pointed her hand at the door to signalling us to go out.

We stepped outside the door and started to walk up the stairs when we were greeted by a scruffy boy not much older than us.

''Hi, my name is Ned.' The boy said.

''Hi, I'm Peter and this is y/n.' Peter said.

''Well nice to meet you Peter and Y/n. Follow me and I'll show you to your room.'

We followed Ned to the room, thanked him and went to bed.


We woke up the next morning with the alarm clock ringing loudly on the other side of the room. We put it on the other side to make sure we had to get up to put it off. We got dressed and got ready for school. We waited for Ned at the doors of the orphanage because we would be in the same classes as him as we are the same age. We left the Orphanage at exactly 8:00 as it would be a 30 min walk to school, and Ned could show us around before the first lesson.  

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