6-Talking to Romanoff

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(Captain America's pov)​

The kid reminded me so much of Hatch the first woman I loved and wanted to be with after coming out of the ice. She looked so similar. The kid looked like the picture of her when she was 16.I really couldn't be their father could I? I mean we did share a bed for a while, but she left without a trace after I asked her to marry me. I presumed she had been kidnapped and I did try and find her but it ended up being a dead end. How could this kidl look so similar. It would explain the fact that they looks so much like Hatch and how Peter looks so much like me at that age. But she would've told me if she had kids. Right? She could've called me! I could've helped raise them. I guess I'm just going to have to do a DNA test without them knowing. But how?​

Right in the middle of my thoughts I could feel someone trying to enter my head. I looked around and it was only y/n there. I looked at them with a disapproving look and they looked at the ground. As soon as their  eyes went off me, there was no one trying to go in my head. I guess it was them. I wonder how they got that power and if they have any others.​

''I'm gonna go check on Peter.'' They said. I could tell that the twins were close when I first saw them, it's like they can talk to each other telepathically, how cool would that be.

''Yeah, sure. I'll come with.'' I replied.​

It took me and y/n 10 minutes to walk across campus to the nurse's room to get to Peter and the girl. It was quite awkward on the way there, because neither of us said anything. When we arrived Y/n went straight to Peter and I went to the nurse and asked how they were. The nurse said that Peter only had a few bruises, which was surprising because he wasn't in much pain, and that he has a few scars that he won't explain on his stomach. I said I would talk to him about that. Apparently Mj had a nosebleed and a few bruises, and she had taken pain killers, but they would both be fine. I let out a breath I didn't even know I had and returned to the three of them. Apparently, the girl's name was MJ, and they were all15.​

Natasha now came Back and introduced herself. She then asked Peter and Y/n to come out of the nurse's office to talk to them.​

(Nat's Pov.)​

I looked at the pair of twins and could tell there was something different with them. First Peter Punched Flash when he didn't know who it was but then, went all scared when he saw his face. Second Peter has a sixpack and just that punch he had on Flash's face was powerful and he could've easily taken him down. Then the way Peter and Y/n just stare at each other for minutes at a time as if they are talking without words.​

''So, what's the deal with you two?'' I asked with as much calm in it as I could after dealing with Flash.​

''What do you mean?'' They asked at the same time.​

''You know what I mean.'' I replied.​

''I'm sorry Mrs. Romanoff but we really don't.'' Y/n answered, before Peter could say anything. They sounded really annoyed when I tried to get something out of Peter and them, so I just asked another question.​

'' How long have you guys been going here?''​

''First day.'' Y/n replied.​

''Where do you live?''​

''The orphanage.'' They replied. I could tell they were making sure Peter didn't answer anything. I wonder why.​

''Can I ask you a random question?'' I asked, I wanted to know how this would affect them when I asked it because it could answer a lot of my question.​

''Sure, you've been asking questions anyway. What's another.'' Thye replied with sass. I gave them a glare and they looked down.​

''Sorry. What was your question?'' They asked. They looked a bit embarrassed when they said sorry, it was their fault though.​

''What do you think about those twin superhero's that disappeared form wales, in the Uk?'' As soon as I asked the question both Y/n and peter's eyes went wide.​

''I'm sorry miss but we have got to get to class now. Y/n said.​

''See you in the assembly Miss. Romanoff.'' Peter said.​

As soon as Peter said that they both waved at me and left leaving me in shock. As soon as I took in what happened they had both gone to class already.​

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