Chapter 22-Pietro and Peter

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(Cap pov)

Bright lights. Eyes are stiff. can't move. Numb.

The first thing I thought when I woke up. It took me awhile to open my eyes and adjust them into the bright lights. There was a lot of beeping coming from behind me, but I couldn't move my head to see where it was coming from. In front of me I could just make out the figure of a person writing on something. A clipboard maybe? It took a couple of minutes for my vision to come back and Bruce smiled at me and walked out leaving me alone in a hospital room. Creepy. At least I have JARVIS to talk to.

-----time skip 1 week-----

(no one pov)

Steve had been taken out of the hospital room and to his own room the day after he came back from Hydra. Steve could walk fine now, but Bruce had said he was not allowed to run at all for a few days at the least.

-----In the kitchen----

(Peter pov)

I have been getting closer to Pietro this week. We spend all of our free time together. I was thinking of asking him out on a date, but the thing is, I don't know if he's gay like me or even bi!

"You ok Peter?" Pietro asked worry clearly etched into his voice.

"Umm mm...Yeah"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nope. Want to play truth or dare?" I hope he says yes.

"Sure. I'll go first, truth." Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

"Do you like anyone???" I asked with a big smirk on my face.


"you have to answer! You chose truth!"

"Well there is this boy. He's very cute. We spend all of our time together. "My smirk had completely disappeared, and I was backed up to the wall with Pietro walking slowly towards me.

"What is the name of this boy?" I asked. My breath slowing down as he stopped in front of me, with a big smirk on his face.

"His name is ..."He finished his sentence by kissing me. I know it's cheesy, but it felt like heaven!!!

"so it's me?" I asked with a smirk.

Pietro was about to reply when we heard a gasp coming from behind us. We turned around and saw a smirking Captain America behind us. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out, so I shut it again.

"So what is this? "He said while smirking and waving his hands at us both.

"Uhhhhh.... I ...Uhm!" I stuttered.

"Me and Peter here are dating and there is nothing you can do about it. " Pietro said while smirking. Before cap could argue Pietro grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. As soon as we got to Pietro's room he turned around and kissed me.

-----The end-----

Authors note.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this story. I know the ending Is pretty shit, but I have never been good at endings. 

Id lover to get messages from you about 

-story ideas you'd like(possible oneshots for the characters😏)

-general opinion about the book

-anywhere you think i could have done better etc.

I am working on 2 new books now so one should be released soon. Hope everyone is doing well!

Author xx 

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