Chapter 21-Hydra's WWII Bunker

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Everyone boarded the quinjet already in their uniforms, and equipped with all their weapons safely tucked to their body. The flight to the Hydra base was silent, but not like a awkward silence more like a comfortable silence. The quinjet landed in a field surrounded by woods that was about a mile away from the Hydra base.

(Nat pov)

As soon as i landed the quinjet, bullets started to rain on us. It's a good thing the quinjet is bullet proof. Wanda used her mind powers to create a shield around the team, so we could start to fire back on the Hydra agents. It only took us a few minutes to take out the agents with Wandas shield. After they were all out we ran to the Secret tunnel Bucky told us about for when he had to get out the base undetected. A Hydra guard started to run towards me while I was on the lookout. he went at me for a punch in the stomach, but I easily dodged a punch and returned it with a quick kick to his area where the sun does not shine. He fell on his knees in pain, so I took it as an opportunity and knocked him out with a punched his head. he went limp on the floor lying at my feet. I step back and pushed him out the way for when everyone comes back. every two minutes or so I looked at each side of the corridor to check for any oncoming guards.

(Wanda pov)

I ran Infront of everyone when we were running through the Hydra base. it is easier to make a shield when everyone is behind. Back at the tower we have a SHIELD agent called Maria Hill who helps us with our missions. She navigates us around the base and tells us when agents are around the corner or waiting to come out. just before we went around corner agent Maria Hill told us that there were group of agents with guns waiting for us, I put up my shield ready with everyone but Tony Stark or better known as Iron Man in it. Tony gave a slight wave at the hydra agent people, before blasting his rocket repulsors at them. The entire group flew back into the wall knocked out. we kept turning every right and left after every command we got until we were Infront of a cell. Thor and Clint had gone in other directions to help the kids escape and the other prisoner's escape.

(Steve pov)

I have been sleeping in this cell that they put me in after doing lots of experiments on me. I woke up to the red alarm going off. I overheard that the red alarm means intruders. Hopefully, it's just The Avengers since I am sick of this place, and I haven't even been here for 24 hours. I looked at the door and I couldn't hear much except from some people walking towards me. I pretended to be asleep to see if they will leave when I heard the voices of the people. I decided to call out to them to see if I was dreaming.

"Y/n? Peter? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's us."

"Did they hurt you?"

"They had me in a room experimenting on me." I answered.

"so is that a, yes?" Y/n questioned.


"We are going to get you out now." Peter said.

"Tony! Get your ass down here now" I winced at y/n language but didn't bother commenting on it considering the situation.

"I'm coming and don't use that language y/n." I chuckled a bit, knowing that tony does not like them using that language.

" I swear he's Cap 2.0" This made me smile even though I was in pain.

Avengers pov

Clint and Thor had just returned with a bunch of different people from child to adult. Most of the adults were holding a baby or a toddler. it looks like around 50 people altogether. Tony came to the door in his Iron Man suit and grabbed cap from the cot. Wanda ran in front of the group again with  y/n and Peter, with Thor at the back and tony and Clint helping Steve run in the middle. there were a few guards run ins, but y/n and Peter's combat skills fixed the situation nicely. At the end of the tunnel Nat met with us and we ran back to the quinjet. Everyone boarded and we took off. We stopped the quinjet at shield hospital where Nick fury was waiting for the Hydra prisoners, who climbed off the quinjet. After dropping them off, we took off again to arrive at SI. A medical team was waiting for Caps return on the roof and took him as soon as he stepped off the aircraft. The team calmed down as soon as they saw Bruce and Helen Chow leading the medical team. Bruce/the hulk and Helen Chow are the best doctors at SI. 

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