10-More trouble.

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(Peter pov)​

After Y/n had ran into my arms, we sat down for a bit while they cried silently into my soldier. I don't think they like Captain America. After 10 minutes of y/n crying into my shoulder they calmed down and started doing their homework at the desk in the room. Mr. Rogers had gone somewhere for a bit and told us to wait there, until he comes back. My phone started ringing right in the middle of one of my math equations, so I ignored it, but it started ringing again so I answered it.​

"Peter where are you?"​

 "Out why?"​

"Mrs. Thompson wants you and Y/n back now. She is very angry that you missed curfew by the way."​

"Shoot. Yeah, we will be there in 10 minutes."​

"Hurry up. See you in a minute."​

"Bye Ned."​

Y/n heard what Ned said so they were already packing their stuff away and was ready. We told Jarvis to tell Mr. Rogers what happened and that we were sorry and left. We arrived at the orphanage 5 mins later because I teleported us to behind the orphanage, and we just walked in.​

Mrs. Thompson was talking to one of the younger kids. When we walked into the orphanage. She told the kid to go somewhere else while she dealt with us. The kid left, and it was just Mrs. Thompson me and Y/n left in the room. She turned to look at us and she looked like the hulk. I think I even saw steam coming out of her ears. No kidding.​

 "Where have you tow been? Your late for curfew, on your FIRST day here!"​


"Well where were you?"​

"We were with Mr. Rogers at stark Tower."​

"What would Captain America want to do with the two of you?" She said while laughing.​

"It was my fault. I was being stupid in school , and nearly punched someone, and shouted at him."​

 "That doesn't answer my question."​

 "He wanted to talk to me about my behavior and gave me my punishment." They looked down before saying punishment.​

 "And what was your punishment?" She gave y/n a death stair after asking.​

 "He gave me 20 smack on my bum with his hand and 20 with his belt. He took my phone too at lunch but gave it back at the tower." Y/n said while still looking down.​

"Well you are both getting the same out of spanking on you bum's that Y/n got earlier for being late to curfew. Go stand in the corner of my office boh of you."​

Me and y/n did what she said straight away and went to her office and stood in the corner. She came in with a belt in her hand that looked even harder than the one Mr. Rogers used on Y/n.​

"Now both of you pull your jeans and skirt down to your ankles and lean against the desk. If either of you put your hands back ill start again but adding ten each time. I am going to start with the belt." As soon as she said the word belt, she started, and it was hard. After 5 I had tears threatening to fall. After 10 I was crying quietly. Once she finished 20, I was crying even more. She gave y/n her 20 then turned back to me.​

 "Peter lean over the stool for me. And pull you boxers down" I stepped back shaking my head , because I didn't want her to see my you know what. She looked at me, then grabbed my arm and forced me to lean over the stool. She pulled my boxers down and gave me ten extra with the belt. Then she gave me 20 hard hits with her hand. I don't even know which one hurt more her hand or the belt.​

 "When I tell you to do something you do it. Do you understand?" She shouted at me. I nodded my head because I couldn't get anything out of my mouth. She gave me another 5 with her hand and told me to stand in the corner. I did what she said then she turned to y/n.

 Y/n laid on the stool without her saying anything so se wouldn't get any extra. She gave y/n 20 with her hand and you could tell that bruises were starting to form on y/n bum. She told us to put our underwear on but take off our shirts. We did as we were told, and I was left there with my boxers on and y/n was standing in her black nickers and her black sports bra. She took our ears and threw us in a closet and locked the door. Outside the door I heard her say that we were going to be staying in here for the next two days and only be coming out for the bathroom and 1 meal a day. Then she left, leaving me and Y/n in the closet to ourselves. Y/n cuddled up to me and fell asleep almost instantly. After around an hour I think it was I fell asleep too. It was freezing in the closet.​

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