5-Talking to Steve.

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(Y/n pov)

Running towards us were three people. I think they might have been 'the avengers since they had some wierd outfit on. The female pushed Flash on the floor with so much force I thought his back was going to brake. I guess she really hate's bullies.​

Also, mental note never get on her bad side, even though I probably won't spend time with her to be able to get on her bad side.​

''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She shouted at Flash.​

All flash did was gulp and look at her. She was talking/shouting with so much force that no one would dare not to listen to her. As soon as Flash got up, she grabbed his ear so tight it turned red instantly, making sure he was in pain, and started pulling him towards the principal's office. While they were walking you could hear her telling Flash to shutup and her holding even tighter making his ear hurt even more.​

​'Come on you two. Let's get you to the nurse's office.'' One of the men said with so much care. I didn't even know that someone could have so much care when they looked so scary.​

The man picked Peter up easily, probably because he was underweight ,but he had a little trouble with Mj because he didn't know how to hold her, because he didn't want it to be inappropriate I'm guessing. He ended up just putting her arm around his soldier and having his arm around her back helping her walk. ​

''So how long have you twins I'm guessing? been going here?​

''This is our first day actually.''​

''Pretty bad luck then.''​

''We call it the Roger luck.'' I said while nodding my head at nothing.​

''Why do you call it that?'' He asked.​

''Me and Peter are living in an Orphanage until we find our dad.'' I said out loud even though I thought I said in my head. Oh well, I guess. ​

''Sorry to hear that.'' He replied with a bit of sympathy in his voice and something I couldn't tell what it was.​

''It's fine. We don't know who he is except his surname is Rogers.''​

When I said this, it looked like he was thinking of something. I tried to get in his head but It just gave me a headache, so I stopped.​

It was kind of awkward after they left. Just me and the man.Then he decided to Introduce himself.​

''I'm Steve Rogers, or more known as Captain America.'' He spoke.​

''I'm Y/n, Y/n Hatch Rogers. Peter's twin.'' I said. It's a bit weird we have the same last name, I thought.​

'' I guess we have something in common then'' Steve said.​

I  think he can tell I haven't told him something, but he isn't asking anything so , I'm just going to stop talking.​

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