Chapter 14-Superhero Twins

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(Steve Rogers Pov)


I was really fuming now. I was so confused on how they are managing to block Wanda out, and they just made up an obvious excuse and run away without letting myself or anyone else say anything. I thought they would have learned last time but obviously not. I hope they knew what they were doing. They aren't going to be able to sit for at least a week. Around 5 minutes later, Y/n walked back in slowly with Peter behind them.

"You wanted me?" They said with a confused look on their face.​

 "You do not run off like that, EVER. Do I make myself clear?" I said with as much authority in it as I could muster. Y/n looked at me and nodded their head.​

 "Good. Now I am going to ask you a question and you will tell me the truth, or you will regret it." Y/n nodded their head again. They obviously looked scared of me, but that is what I needed right now. For them to tell me the truth.​

"How is Wanda being blocked from entering your head?" Y/n looked at me then looked a Peter. They looked as if they were having a silent conversation until Peter and Y/n nodded at the same time.​

 "Well...Umm. How do I put this? Have you heard of those superhero twins in Wales, Uk? The Avengers tried to catch them one time. They did a really bad job at it." They said while laughing at theirself.​

 "1 We did catch them, but hey escaped and 2 whatdo they have to do with you?" I asked with clear confusion. Peter and Y/n smirked at each other and said at the same time. ​

"Hello. Nice to meet you. You are looking at the superhero twins of Wales!" They said in a welsh accent.​

 "Wow. I saw videos of you two doing that on the news. It is so much better in person." Wanda looked excited to be witnessing this first hand.​

"Thank you!" They said at the same time in their welsh accent, which creeped me out.​

"Oh my gosh. You have got to show me your powers! I have wanted to meet 'the superhero twins' in forever."​

"Sorry. No can do. We only use our power's when we are practicing together alone, or when we are fighting. We don't show them as a magic show."​

"Oh and now that you know who we really are, you won't be allowed to check us over or anything, like that. Part of our secrecy code. If you tell anyone who we are, we will be forced to erase your memory. You won't be the first." He said while looking at me dead in the eyes. 

 "Why can't I do a check-up or anything on you?"​

"Part of our secrecy code."​

"You have to have a check-up.​

"Lydia , please do a full check-up on both I and Peter." Y/n said out of the blue. I looked everywhere to see who they wre talking to. ​

"Peter has a few bruises, but nothing major. Y/n you have only got a few scrapes. I suggest Peter eats, something too. He hasn't ate anything since lunch yesterday."​

"Thanks Lydia. What's the news like in Wales about me and Peter?" I was really confused now.​

 "Everyone is wondering where you too have been. There has been many major accidents, and robbery's since you have been gone. I suggest for you to go back to headquarters as soon as possible, and finish project RSH."

 "Thanks Lydia. Peter, you heard what they said. Get something to eat and get back here asap.​

"Ok. I am ready now."​

"Wait. Who is Lydia and where are you going?"​

"Lydia is our Ai. They are in everything. Lydia, have you met Jarvis yet?" He asked as if the Ai's were actual people.​

"Yes. Jarvis is actually funny. We have been showing each other memories of our lives so far. I must say you are very hilarious when you fall over Steve." Lydia said with a mocking tone, I think that made me look annoyed as much as I tried to hide it. Not succeeding very well though.​

"We are going to go somewhere private. You will not follow us under any circumstances. We might not be back until tomorrow night. If you go on channel 33 on the tv at 8pm tonight, you might be able to see us."​

"We must be off now. Y/n grab my shoulder". Y/n did as they was told and in a matter of seconds both were gone, leaving me Bruce, Wanda, Thor and Loki shocked at what happened.​

 "Jarvis what just happened?" Bruce asked with complete confusion.​

"It appears that the twins did their most famous move. They call it the ID move. They give someone lots of information, without leaving room for them to process it then they disappear. It is actually a clever move." Jarvis said with actual enthusiasm in their voice even though they are only an AI. ​

"Jarvis, as soon as the twins are on the tv, switch the channel over so we can watch them. Please tell all the avengers to come watch the tv 5 minutes before." 

And with that Wanda, Bruce, Thor and Loki left. I was very confused but just decided to wait until 8pm to see if there would be more answers.​​

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