Chapter 15-The 8pm news

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(Y/n pov)

"Y/n, do you think the news is going to go ok tonight ?" ​

"As long as you stick to the script it will be fine." I said with enthusiasm.​

"We should get going. We don't want to be late."​

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sarcasm clearly in my voice.​

"My suit!"​

Once Peter was ready and we were both in our formal clothes and had our mask's on, Peter teleported us to the News station. When we walked inside from the parking lot, paparazzi bombarded us with questions. All we said was that "We are here to reveal some important information on the 8pm news. So be sure to watch." Then we walked inside as if nothing happened. We went over to the news director called Mark. I think his name was Mark, I don't really remember so I'm not 100% sure of his name though. He shook our hands and told us we were the first one's on the news tonight. When it was our turn, Mark gave us a nod telling us we could start. In the script Peter was the first to start, but I could tell he was full of nerves, so I told him I would do the intro, then he could show the real reason we were here.​

"Hello to everyone who was watching. We don't really come on the news channel unless we have some important information, we need to tell the public. Before you all get excited, we are not revealing our identities, so please could you not message the News station asking who we are. We do not disclose that information outside of a very tight nit group of people, like our family. We came here, instead to say that we are going to be taking a break from being superheroes for a while. Now this doesn't mean that there won't be superheroes in wales. My twin and I have created project RSH.

"Project RSH, is short for Robotic Superhero's. These Robots are like humans. Unless you looked inside them of course! They blend right in with the pubic. The robots analyse a map and go to the highest crime areas in wales and stop as much crime as possible. Like people the robots need time to recharge. People sleep, but the Robots have a special charging pod that only takes two hours for them to charge. The robots never kill. They can inflict pain onto someone, but nothing that is anywhere near life threatening. They are bulletproof and have repulsions to let them fly. They can talk to anyone, with a programmed accent, that most people can understand,and can also change language so no one gets confused by what they are saying and everyone understands."​

"These robots, have just been dispatched into the Wales community, and are already fighting crime. Next time anyone will see us will most likely be, is if there is a problem that the robots can't handle. We have not retired, but instead are going to spend time with our family. If these robots do get kidnapped, they send us an alert. If we see who kidnapped the robots, we look through the robots' eyes, until no one is there and press a self-destruct button we have. If these bots get into the wrong hands, they wouldn't be able to do anything with them, making the bots useless, in their hands. We hope you all have a wonderful rest of the year."​

"Superhero twins. OUT!" And with that Peter teleported us back to headquarters. We took off our clothes and mask, then grabbed our bags of clothes and teleported back to Stark Tower. We walked in and only just saw the news ending. Every single avenger was talking about us when teleported in. We stood there looking at them .Until Peter started off a conversation.​


"What are you guys doing back so early? You said you were going to be back tomorrow."​

"We finished up quicker than we thought."​

"Who are you?"​

"Real or fake names?" I asked while laughing to myself.​


I looked at Peter and he nodded, signalling it was okay to tell them.​

"Our real names are Y/n and Peter Rogers. Our fake name is the superhero twins." I said looking back at Steve and Bruce who still looked shocked at what was on the news.​

"You two are the superhero twins of Wales. Two teenagers! You must be joking. My men couldn't catch the Superhero Twins, meaning they were a lot older than you two are."​

"Can I knock him out now?" Peter said sounding really annoyed at what he said.​

"If you even try. I will personally throw you in the highest security cell until you die." ​

"Good luck with that." I said while laughing at him.​

"Y/n, watch your mouth." He said while giving me a angry look.​

"We can prove it to you, if you like."​

"Go on then."​

"Okay. Nick who is your best avenger?"​

"Its Director Fury and Nat for her fighting skills."​

"Thanks."​ Nat replied quietly.

 "Right. Peter is going to knock you to the ground. Stop him in any way you want. You can punch him, kick him, do whatever as long as he doesn't die. which is very unlikely."​

"Seems fair."​

"Start." I said and as soon as 3 seconds were over Peter teleported in front of Nat, used his legs to kick over her feet, making her stumble back. Then he teleported behind her, kicked her in the back, and made her fall on her face on the ground.​

"Wow. You're good."​

"I thought that was the warmup." I saw Clint in the corner of my eye about two shoot an arrow at Peter, so I turned invisible. I ran up to Clint kicked him in the nuts, the took his bow and arrow and snapped them in half. He looked shocked to say the least, then I turned ack to normal in front of him.​

"Here is your bow back. Next time you aim that thing at Peter, it won't be the only thing that's in half." I said while staring at him in the eyes. He nodded and looked at Steve who was actually smirking.​

"I like you already."​Nat smirked.

"Thanks. I like me too."​

"What food do you have here I'm hungry." Peter said which made everyone look at him.​

"I don't know. We haven't made anything yet. Who can cook?"​

"I'll cook if you want."​

"Sure. Kitchen's through there." He said. I nodded at him then turned around.​

"Does anyone here not eat meat?" I asked , they all shook at their heads, then looked back at me.​

"My famous cawl, it is then."​

"What's cawl,?" He asked, with everyone else nodding along to his question. I looked at Peter and we both burst out laughing. They all looked at us with confusion spread on their faces.​

"They are way worse than i thought they would be!" I nodded along with Peter.​

"You guys have been living under a rock." 

After that everybody was completely confused. Me and Peter shrugged at them then left to make the cawl. As soon as we both left the room, we both burst out laughing. We made it to the kitchen, and we started on the cawl.​

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