Chapter 13-Busted #2

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(Y/n pov)

"What do you mean kidnapped?" Steve whisper-shouted while trying to contain his anger. I looked up to Steve only to see his angry expression, so i turned to look at the other man. ​

"Who are you?" I asked the other man, trying to change the subject.​

"Bruce Banner. The hulk." He said while looking at me. Then Peter interrupted, him being the nerd he is.​

"Wait aren't you the guy that did all the gamma radiation work, and how it affected damaged tissue?" Peter asked with excitement.​

"Yes, I am. Are you a fan of it?" Bruce didn't look like he was enjoying this conversation at all.​

"Sort of." I looked at him with confusion.​

"What do you mean sort of Peter?"​

"I like his work but there is a few mistakes in his books." He said while rolling his eyes. This made Bruce look at Peter with confusion, but also enthusiasm.​

"Really? Where in the book and how would you know? You are only a 15."​

"To answer your questions. 1 yes. 2 The mistakes are spread out. And Idk, I read lots of books when I am bored. 3, age is just a number." Peter looked at me with a massive grin on his face, leaving Steve and Bruce shocked at what he just said.​

"How long have you been waiting to say that?" I asked him while laughing to myself.​

"Since I was 10, I think? Maybe 8 or 9? I don't really remember. I can give you my copies of the books if you like. I crossed out the mistakes and put the right information there instead."​

"Wow. Umm yeah. You can bring it down to the lab and show me how you did it. What is your IQ to know that stuff at 8 years old?"​

"Idk, what my IQ is."​

After around 5 minutes of awkward silence, Bruce and Steve walked out leaving me and Peter alone. Peter looked at me, with a face that only means one thing, that I would most probably be dead right now if he didn't save me. I gave him a massive grin and went to get changed. It took me an hour to get ready, because I had to get change, do my hair and my makeup. Coming out of the bathroom, I saw Peter wasn't in our room, so I went downstairs to get breakfast. I made pancakes for me and made sure there was enough batter if someone else wanted some. That's when to men came into the room. One of them was tall like 6-7 foot tall, looked as if he was in his 40s and he had medium length blonde hair. The other one was around Peter's height, looked around the same age as me, and he had medium length black hair that made him look so cute. I looked through both their heads and found out that blondie was called Thor Odinson, the heir to Asgard, looks like a lovely place to live. Cute black hair dude, is called Loki Laufeyson adopted brother to Thor. After finding out this information I decide to greet them, in a very mocking way for Thor.​

"Welcome to Earth, creatures of Asgard, and Jotunheim. Thor...... I think Blondie suits you better than Thor, so I am going to stick to that. Hi Loki. I have loads of pranks I want to pull on people here. You want to help me?" After I finished Blondie and Loki just stood there staring at me. Blondie looked angry at his new name and confused, probably about how I knew who they were. Loki looked as if he was going to burst out of excitement, that I asked him to help me pull pranks on people.​

"Slowdown. 1 You will call me Thor. 2 We are not creatures. 3 How do you know who we are, and that information? 4 Who are you?"​

"Nice nickname for him, by the way, and I would love to help you. I have got so many pranks I want to pull on people here."​

"Ok. To answer your questions Thor. 1 I am still going to call you blondie, it fits you better. 2 You are from a different planet so in my book's you are a creature. 3 I have my ways of finding out information. And for 4 , I am Y/n Hatch Rodgers. Daughter of Captain America, even though he only met me yesterday. I also have a twin called Peter doing stuff in the lab downstairs with Bruce. He's fixing Bruce's mistakes in his books or something."​

"Wow. How old are you and Peter?"​

"15. And you are 1048. But in human years 15.And Blondie here is 1,500."​

"I haven't told anyone my age. How do you know that?"​

"Like I said. I have my ways." I said while rolling my eyes. It's like he isn't even listening to what I am saying. How Rude!​

"Wanda come here!" Thor shouted at the top of his lungs.​

"What now Thor?"​

"Read this mortal's mind. Figure out how they knows who me and Loki are." I smirked at this knowing they wouldn't be able to get in my mind.​

"I can't. It's like they are blocking me or something." Oh shoot. I forgot about that. How am I meant to explain this to them????​

"BRUCE, STEVE. GET YOUR MORTAL LEGS TO DRAG YOURSELVES UP HERE RIGHT NOW!" Oh shoot. How am I meant to explain myself. Oh gosh. I'm going to get my bum beat again. Why did this have to happen. How could I be so stupid. It's not like I could've let them in my mind. She would've figure out who me and me and Peter are.​

"Thor what do you want?"​ Steve said sounding very annoyed.

"They is stopping me from entering their mind. Thor asked me to, by the way. It is not my fault." She said sounding afraid of Steve. I mean who wouldn't be when he's angry. He beat my bum last time he was angry with me. I don't want that to happen again.​

"Care to explain yourself Y/n?" He asked in a confused but demanding tone, which made me nervous.​

"Not really. It's my mind anyway. I think I'm going to find Peter now. Bye." I said as quickly as possible before running out of the room. I am so going to get my bum beat for running off.​

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