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(Y/n pov)

Ned started off the tour by telling Peter and me about the teachers that were strictest. Mr. Thompson was the strictest and the deputy head teacher that taught Music. He favored his son Flash Thompson, the school bully ,and even let him bully people in the class right in plain sight.​

While Ned was talking, Peter wasn't really listening to him, he was just listening to the music in his headphones.​

After 5 minutes the speaker started talking calling for Ned down the office. Ned told me the way to our first lesson which was art, and waved goodbye to the us. Peter saw Ned leaving so he did a little wave and started talking to me.​

''So, what do you think of the school so far y/n?''​

''It's a bit big ,but it sounds alright. Ned told me that three of the avengers are coming to do an assembly after lunch, so I guess that's something to look forward to.'' I said sounding a bit bored.​

''Yeah. I guess so.'' Peter replied also sounding Bored.​

While walking in awkward silence me and Peter turned a corner to see a girl around our age being bullied by a boy that looked roughly a year older than us.We quickly guessed that he was on the football team by the shape of his body to the clothes he was wearing. I was glad Peter had a growth spurt that past month, but not glad as I was now shorter than him.​

Peter walked up to the bully and punched him straight on the face. You could hear his knuckles hit the flesh of the bully's face, and a loud grunt from the bully. The bully stood up and I could hear a loud gulp when Peter saw who the bully was.​

''Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The Rodger toddlers.Leave Mj.'' The bully was Peter's ex-boyfriend , Flash. Peter had been ignoring him as soon as he turned abusive. It was obvious Flash had been waiting for this moment for a while now.

Flash looked at Mj and pushed her towards me, while he took another step towards Peter.​

''You are going to regret punching me toddler Rodger.'' This made Peter gulp even harder as he remembered the last time, he angered Flash.​

Flash pushed Peter towards the lockers punched his face leaving a mark right under his left cheek bone and kneed him in the stomach. He continued punching Peter in the stomach for around a minute until he heard a few sets of feet running towards him.​

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