Chapter 12 -Busted #1

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(Bruce Banner pov)​

I first saw Peter and Y/n when Steve brought them to the tower. They looked very ill and tired so I left them alone to go sleep, because they looked like they could really benefit from sleep. Lots of sleep helps the brain function properly. After watching Steve come back downstairs without Peter and Y/n, I saw he was coming towards me. He stopped and stood in front of me until I started the conversation.​

"Are Y/n and Peter, ok?"​

"I don't know. I saw them around 5/6ish and they looked healthy, but now they look tired, ill, and they were cold when I took them to the car. Peter's nose was red, and it made him look childlike. It was so cute, but I don't know how they were that cold. The orphanage was quite warm inside."​

"I can give them a checkup in the morning if you want. It won't be anything major, just checking for any bruises, heart rate, maybe blood test, and so on."​

"I'll bring them down to your lab in the morning."​

"Take them to the main lab. It has more space. I'll be in there anyway since I have something to sort out in there."​

"I've got to find Nat now. See you in the morning."​

I nodded at Steve then made my way down to the main lab, to tidy up and make sure it was prepared for the twin's checkup.​

(Bruce pov)
I woke up to Jarvis telling me that Peter was having a nightmare and thrashing around in his bed. Apparently, Steve couldn't stop it, so I went to the spare room to help them. I looked around the room and saw Y/n on the corner holding Peter's hands together to make sure he didn't hurt himself. I could tell Y/n was having difficulty's when Peter's hands flew up and hit y/n, making them fall off the bed in the process, with a loud grunt escaping their mouth as they face planted the floor. They looked like they were giving up, so I stood in to help. I grabbed peter's hand and held them together on the bed with one hand, while I pinned his legs to the bed with my other hand. Y/n came over to Peter and started stroking his hair, telling him to wake up, and it was ok to comfort him. After five minutes or so, Peter started calming down and tears started streaming his face leaving marks on his cheeks. He opened his eyes with a fright and started hyperventilating when he couldn't move his arms or legs.​

​Y/n explained to Peter what happened and started asking him yes or no questions. Some were simple and some were more difficult but after around 20 questions Peter was fully calmed down and there was only the odd few sniffles left . I let go of peter's hands on the bed, and his legs slowly making sure he didn't do anything to hurt himself. He turned to look over at me and Steve, and when he did, his face turned bright red, making him groan and put his face into his pillow. Steve started chuckling to himself at Peter's reply to the situation. And I just gave a little smile to the teen. Peter then turned to Y/n with a weird look. It looked like they were talking together in their minds, like telepathically. That's when y/n burst out laughing, with Peter just grinning at them. They both turned to look at me and Steve, when Steve cleared his throat to signify that we were still in the room. They both turned a bright shade of red and sat on peters bed to face us.​

"So how long was I thrashing around for?" Peter asked as if it wasn't a major thing.​

"Around 10 minutes." He said with clear confusion as to why he didn't really care about what happened.​

"Wow. That's the quickest yet. You must be really good at this." He said while chuckling to himself.​

"Is this a normal thing for you Peter?"​

"It happens like maybe twice a month on good months, but when I'm stressed it can happen like three times a week. I have been having a lot recently. Probably lots of stress." He said while talking to himself.​

"Wait, what? You said you were having a good month." Y/n said while hitting him in the back of his head. It looked like it really hurt. ​

"Okay. 1 that really hurt. Like a lo-"But Y/n interrupted him by saying...​

"It was meant to. Maybe don't lie to me next time." They said with an eyeroll.​

"Sorry." He said with sass, which only gave him another hit on the back of his head, which made him flinch in pain.​

"And I was going to say ,2 I didn't want to make you worry any more than you are now." He said with worry while still rubbing the back of his head.​

"Tell me next time. You're an idiot you know that." They said with sarcasm.​

"Y/n language. I thought we talked about this yesterday. Do we need to talk about it again?" Steve said while giving y/n, an angry glare.​

 "No, sorry." they said while looking at their feet, taking a sudden interest in them.​

 "Come with me you two and I can give you a checkup. Nothing to serious."​

"Is there going to be needles?" He asked with a blank expression.​

"Afraid so. Sorry." I said with sarcasm, followed by a small annoyed grunt by Peter.​

"Peter stop complaining. It's only a checkup. You won't die from one needle." He said while sounding annoyed and angry at the same time.​

"It's not his fault he has needle phobia from us being kidnapped is it!"​

"You both where what?" Me and Steve shouted at the same time.​

"Y/n! What the heck?"​

"Shi-oot." They said while backing up to the wall behind them,and trying to stop themself from swearing.

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