Chapter 18-Black jumpsuits

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(Steve pov)​

I felt bad for what I said about y/n. Even though they can be a brat at times,(excuse my poor language)they are also an amazing kid with extraordinary capability's, and talents. I am kind of jealous with how smart they can be. I mean who wouldn't. They can balance life as a superhero for an entire country with going to school and everyday life. Most of the avengers including myself struggle being a superhero every day, let alone everyday things. I decide to try and clear my head by drinking a cup of water, so I went into the kitchen. While I was filling up my cup with water, I heard a loud crash and lots of glass shattering in the living room. Before I had the chance to see what happened I felt a kick right in the middle of my back making me hit my head hit the countertop, which hurt a lot, so you know.​

(No one's pov)​

Steve turned his head around quickly only to be greeted by another kick in his abdomen. He scanned his surrounding and was surprised to see the windows were shatterrd and glass everywhere. Another agent started running at Steve, and he caught a glimpse of a red octopus on the arm of one of the black jumpsuits worn by the agents in the room. There were around 50 agents in the kitchen living room advancing on Steve now. They blocked him into a corner with no way to escape and many of the agents started to attach Steve. The closest was given a punch in his stomach by Steve followed by a kick to his head. The agent stumbled back and fell onto another agent that was about to punch Steve. Both went tumbling into the group only to be caught by the floor since the group moved out the way. Steve was about to kick a guy's kneecap when he felt a slight prick on his neck. He felt his neck and pulled out a long, thin black dart. He looked at the dart and saw that symbol again. A red octopus. He dropped the dart to the floor and noticed that the room was starting to turn blurry. He tried focusing on the agents but gave up when black dots started to cloud his vision. Steve backed up as the agents started to walk closer to him only to be met with a wall. He slided down the wall and started hyperventilating when he felt like he was about to pass out. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the agents standing above him laughing at his weak state with rope and tape in hand.

(Avengers pov)​
While the avengers were sitting in silence, still trying to figure out what happened they heard a large crash coming from a few rooms across form there's.​

"Jarvis. What's happening?" Nat said with a confused look on her face.​

"It seems that the kitchen windows has been broken. There is many people with guns climbing into the room heading for Mr. Rogers. Mr Rogers looks as though he needs help since he is cornered with around 50 people with their guns pointed towards him."​

The avengers looked at each other and rushed to get to the kitchen.On the way tony had already called for one of his suits and had already put it on. Thor had grabbed Mjolnir on his way out the room, Doctor Strange who had arrived 10 minutes earlier had his Cape which  was draped over his shoulders ready to listen to his first command. Wanda was creating red energy balls to throw at the people trying to harm Steve, the father figure in her life. The rest of the avenger team had collected their weapons from secret cabinets in the walls, except for Clint who's weapons where in the vents of the building. Loki had his shapes set of knives with a carving of a snake in the handle of the knives, Clint had his bow and arrow out the vents, Bruce let the Hulk come out and play, who had already damaged many very expensive goods on their way to the kitchen and Bucky had one of his favorite light weight guns that tony had upgraded, that was called the Weatherby Mark V Black country Vi. The rest of the avenger team had various different weapons that were unique to them.​

When the team arrived in the kitchen, they definitely didn't expect what they saw in front of them.

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