Chapter 16-Family Meal

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(Peter pov)​

After finishing setting up the table, Y/n put all the food on the table. I teleported into the living room and saw everyone was watching a film. I told them that food was ready, and they all rushed into the dining room. Everyone sat at a seat and stared at the food, before tucking in. Some of them used a spoon like they were supposed to, and others used a fork. This was horrible to watch, so I had to tell them of course.​

"By the way, you use a spoon to eat the cawl." Y/n looked relieved that I told them, but the ones that were using a fork, didn't look very happy.​

"So what do you two do in Wales. There isn't much to do there, I guess. It looks boring." Y/n started chocking on a piece of her food, when Tony said that. Tony looked at y/n with a confused look after their chocking had stopped.​

"If anything this place is boring, Tony. It's this country. Its filled with technology, everywhere. Massive building's everywhere. Pavements, roa-"Y/n was in the middle of saying roads when Bruce cut them off.​

"What's a pavement?" I looked at Bruce, who was actually, confused about what a pavement was.​

"You really don't know what a pavement is do you. Wow America has really fucked up the english language."​

"No they didn't. The U-"Tony was about to say Uk, but they interrupted him.​

"If you really were as smart as people say you are, you would know that the english language is a West Germanic language that was spoken by the people that settled in England in the mid 5-7th century. You would also know that it was then brought to America around 400 years ago."​

 (Telepathicaly to Y/n) "He's a twat isn't he." I said while laughing inside.​

"Yes he is Peter. Yes, he is." Y/n replied to me out loud without noticing.​

 "Who? And what did you call them."​

"Peter's answer's for that question are, Tony and a twat." I could definetly tell I was smirking.​

"Lydia."​ Peter said outloud.

"Yes Peter."​

 "Can you make sure that no one here can search up, the meaning to words me and y/n call them please."​

"Already done."​

"Это будет так весело."(This is going to be so fun)Y/n said in russian.​

"что такое?"(What is?)​

"dang it."​

"Alguém aqui pode falar de portogese?(Anyone speak portugese?"​

"Eu posso(I do)"​

"let me try. kas nors kalba lietuviškai (Anyone speak Lithuanian?)"​

"aš galiu (I can)" 

 "أي شخص يتحدث العربية؟ (Anyone speak Arabic?)"​

"أستطيع (I can)"​

"What language can none of you speak?"​ Y/n questioned outloud.

"I have found that there is only one language on earth, that none of them know. Welsh."​

"Pam na wnaethon ni ddim feddwl am ein iaith gyntaf yn gyntaf? Efallai ein bod yn twats hefyd Peter. (Why didn't we think of our first language first? Maybe we are twats to Peter.)​

"Don't worry. Only Tony is the twat so far. I don't know about the rest of them though. Lydia make sure they can't translate what we are saying please."​

"Already done."​

"Diolch! (Thankyou!)"​

"Jarvis what are they saying?"​

"I can't going translate them Mr. Stark . Lydia has already deleted anything to do with Wales ,the language they are speaking, and anything to do with the twins from the tower."​

"I didn't even know protocol New home was still in motion Lydia. Thanks anyway."​

"Your Welcome."​

"What's protocol New Home?"​

"That is Private information. We don't disclose information like that to anyone."​

"I'm your dad."​

"Doesn't make a difference."​

"We better be going to go check on project RSH."​

"Forgot about that. Let's go then. Bye dad. Bye everyone else I'm not bothered to call by their names." Then Y/n grabbed on my shoulder, and turned invisible making them think we were gone. We actually planned to do this before in the kitchen. We wanted to figure out what they thought about us.​

"So what do you think of the twins then?"​

"They are definetly strong. I think they could be good avengers." This made Y/n smile, but the smile faded into a frown after what Tony said.​

"I don't trust them. I mean why would they delete all the information about them. And they go somewhere, which we don't know where. I can carry the list on if you like." What really shocked me though, was what Steve said about y/n.​

"I wish y/n was more like Peter. They're a brat and can be annoying." Y/n looked at me and I nodded signalling we can become visible again. They made us visible again and everyone looked shocked.​

"It's nice to know what you really think of me. We are going back now Peter. Let's go." I looked at Steve, with fire in my eyes, but smiled and nodded at Nat then teleported me and Y/n back to Wales.​

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