11-Birth Records

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(Captain America pov)​

After giving y/n their spanking, I left the, with Peter to calm down. I told them they can do their homework or whatever, but they had to stay in the room until I was back. I gave y/n their phone back too, because they looked like they wished they didn't do the things they did. After leaving he room, I went to talk to Nat because I still didn't know what they were hiding. I told Nat what happened, and she said that y/n probably deserved the spanking and that she will come talk to them after she finished her paperwork. I went back to the room and saw that y/n and Peter weren't in there. Jarvis informed me about the phone call and what they told Jarvis to tell me. I guess was shocked that they didn't tell me themselves, but I guess they didn't want to be in more trouble when they got back to their house.​

I decided to ask Jarvis to bring up as much information about them, she could find so that I could, try and figure out what they aren't telling me, and Nat can help me with figuring it out.​

There was quite a few newspapers, about the family crash. It looked like quite a few people in their family died. I think they were coming together for a family gathering of some sort. There was a few school report, all of them had nothing under B+. What shocked me was Y/n last school report on their behaviour in their last school. Their grades were almost always c, c+ and the occasional B.I felt disappointed in them, but I don't even know why. It's not like I am their father. Then I asked Jarvis for the birth records. She put them in the front of the screen. It was normal stuff like Name, D.O.B, gender, hospital, e.c.t , until the father box came up. Both father's name's boxes had my name in it. My name, Steve Rogers, in the father's name boxes.​


I turned around and saw Nat standing in the door.​

 "Hey Nat, the twins had to leave. They were late for their curfew and didn't want to be in any more trouble."​

"Fair enough. So, you're their father." She said pointing at the birth records.​

"I mean, it would explain why Peter looks exactly like me when I was his age."​

 "So what are you going to do?"​ Nat questioned whilst rolling her eyes.

"I mean I guess adopt them. Do you think it's a good idea?"​

"I think Steve Rogers , Captain America, would be a great father. Even if it is two grumpy teenagers ,that are rude, that he is a father to."​

After Nat said that, I put my coat on and jumped in my car. Jarvis drove the car to the orphanage, and I stepped out. The building looked like any other building, but a little bigger. With the folder including the birth records in I knocked on the door. I was greeted by a woman who looked as if she was in her 40s. She asked me if i wanted a tour and I accepted the offer. First, we walked into the living room. There was a few little ones on the floor, but no y/n or Peter. I hadn't told her that I came for Peter and y/n yet. After the living room was the kitchen. I saw a kid that was hanging around with the twins in the hall, in there making a sandwich so I started a conversation with him.​

"Hey Kid."​

"Hi. I'm Ned."​

"I'm Steve Rogers, or Mr. Rogers if you prefer."​

"Wait aren't you the one the y/n had for detention?"​

"The one and only."​

 "Wow I understand what y/n was talking about now." And with that he walked off eating his sandwich.​

"Ned, get back here." Ned poked his head in the door then his whole boy came in. He looked at the lady then gulped. I think that he fears her.​

"I have got to do some paperwork now, so can you show Mr. Rogers here, around the house, then we can forget about you walking off without being excused."​

"Sorry Mrs. Thompson. If you would like to follow me sir then I can show you the bedrooms."​

I nodded and followed Ned upstairs. He showed me the younger kids bedrooms then his, and then a few others. He showed me the office downstairs and the dining room, but Y/n and Peter where nowhere to be found.​

"Ned, I know you're friends with y/n and peter so where are they?"​

"Mrs. Thompson took them to her office. I haven't seen them since."​

"Thanks. You can go now." I said.​After Ned went, I walked down to the office and knocked on the door before going in.​

 "Why did you come to the orphanage today then?" She asked.​

"I was wondering is there any other kids that live here, that I haven't seen?..."​

 "Yes there is a pair of 15-year-old twins here."

"Could I see them?"​


"I came to adopt them. I recently learned that I am their father."​

"Sure. I will get them now. Could you please, go wait in the kitchen?" 

I nodded and 10 minutes later Y/n and Peter were standing in front of me. They looked very tired, and as if they had both been crying. I should probably take them to Bruce for a check up after. I waved goodbye to the lady and we all got in the car and drove back to The tower after they got their things which surprisingly was only 1 trash bag half filled shared between the two, where Nat has already got bunkbeds set up in the spare room for them both. Jarvis was driving us all back, so I didn't have to drive. I turned around in my seat and saw Peter and y/n peacefully sleeping cuddled into each other. The seat they were sat on turned into a bed, so I made the bed before they had even got in there, knowing they were probably tired. They looked so peaceful, but I didn't dare make a noise to make sure they didn't wake up.​

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