Chapter 19-Avenger's fighting for Steve

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When the team arrived in the kitchen, they definitely didn't expect what they saw in front of them. Steve was out cold, surrounded by people tying him up with rope and tape. They were about to take him out to a helicopter when they heard hulk smashing something under his feet on accident. The team wasted no time in fighting the people in black jumpsuit. All that could be heard for a good minute was gun safety pics turning off and the hulk raging, already impatient towards getting to his friend. Nobody wasted anytime in fighting against the other side. Each side battling for victory like a game of chess. The battle started off with the hulk running towards the black jumpsuit wearers determined to get to his friend. He curled his massive green hand into a fist, smashing it into the crowed, making many of them groan in pain. The rest of the jumpsuit wearers, started attacking as well, firing their ammo, round after round towards the opposite side, only for the bullets to be dodged or deflected by Tony's armour. Ironman blasted his repulsors knocking atleast a quarter of the opposing side out cod, while Bucky started running towards Steve only to be stopped by the agents. He started firing his own gun at the crowd not missing any targets. Everyone was too busy to notice Steve being dragged into a helicopter and being flown away. The fight stopped with the black jumpsuit wearers on the floor, either lying lifeless, or being knocked out cold. SHIELD agents swarmed the room with their guns held high in their hands but were only confronted with the avengers standing around a room full of bodies lying lifeless or knocked out on the floor. SHIELD took all the black jumpsuit wearers away while the avengers looked for Steve around the tower. The avengers met up in the conference room without Steve and decided they had to give the twins a call.

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