7-Detention with Rogers.

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(Y/N pov)​

We went straight to our first class after running off from Natasha. I bet that wasn't such a good thing to do now that I think about it. We sat down and were told to sketch something that breathes then paint it. I decided to do the Great seahorse, because its endangered. I had finished the sketch and had all the paints I needed when Flash came in. He walked past Peter and came straight to me.​

''Nice sketch you got there y/n.''​

''Thanks?'' When I said thanks, he looked at me and pushed over the paint recking my sketch! That is it!

''Oops!'' Flash said in-between laughs.​

''Your gonna pay for that.'' I said while standing up. I was about to punch flash when I heard the teacher.​

''Y/N SIT DOWN NOW! FLASH YOU TOO." We both did as we were told when I heard her talking again.​

"Both of you, detention lunch time." She said. I groaned, got up threw my canvas in the bin and got a new one and started again.​

Great, my first detention of the school year.​

Time skip to Lunchtime Detention.​

( Y/n pov still )​

Me and Flash walked into the detention room only to be greeted by Steve Rogers sitting in the front. This day really couldn't get any worse, I wanted to make a good first impression on that guy. I groaned and took a seat.​

Steve Rogers or Captain America, stood up and brought his seat next to me and Flash and sat down. At that time, me and Flash probably looked like the grumpiest teenagers in the whole world. He started the conversation.​

(F=Flash , Y/n=Y/N , CA=Captain America.)​

CA ''What are you two doing here?''​

F ''I didn't do anything.''​

Y/N ''He fucking ruined my sketch!'' I said while waiving my hands around.​



CA ''YOU . DO . NOT . USE THAT FOUL LANGUAGE'' He was angry.​

I decided I was going to block them out and start talking to Peter. ​

Y/N ''Hey , Peter where are you?''​

Peter ''I am about to walk into the cafeteria. Why?'' ​

Y/N ''Can you save something for me to eat. I don't think I'm getting out of here any time soon.''​

Peter ''Not even gonna ask what you did. What do you want?​

Y/N ''An apple will be fine thanks.''​

Peter ''Okay''​

Y/n ''I've got to go. See you soon.''​

Peter ''Meet me outside the hall for the assembly.''​

Y/N ''Okay Cya.''​

I was about to look back up when a paper ball hit me in the head.​

"WHAT THE FUCK FLASH?" I tried getting up when I felt a hand push me back in my seat. I looked up and saw a very angry Captain America. I was in for it now.​

The captain looked at me with so much anger ,that if looks could kill I would have been dead ages ago. I decided to slump back into my chair and listen to what he had to say.​

"You do not use that language EVER. Do I make myself clear?"​

Two very quiet yes sirs could be heard in the classroom. Just before he could start talking again the bell rang and me and Flash ran out the room as fast as we could.​

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