3-Wanda and Pietro

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(Peter Pov)

I was in the middle of my conversation with Ned about who the best actor was. David Prowse who plays Darth Vader or Mark Hamill who plays Luke Skywalker when Y/n starts communicating telepathically with me. ​

''PETER.'' ​

''PETER'' ​


''What y/n?'' ​

''Look on the road the twins over there are about to get hit by that car.'' ​

''Oh yeah..'' ​

''Distract Ned make sure he doesn't see me. Okay?'' ​

''Fine ,don't let them see you though turn invisible.'' ​

'Peter I'm not stupid'' ​

''Debatable'' ​

''You are so getting your ass beat tonight Peter'' ​

''Uhhhhhhhh. You are so annoying.''​

''Peter stop or i actually will''​

''shut the eff up y/n.''​


''  You're getting your ass beat when we get back now.''​

Y/n started to give me a death stair, so I started talking to Ned about more Star Wars stuff while y/n turns invisible. I can still see y/n when their invisible but no one else can. ​

They ran up to the twins and pushed them back onto the curb just before the car came and went past them. The twins both fell back with a grunt but got back up into a fighting position 3 seconds later, which was odd. When they looked around, they noticed that there was no one around .By this time y/n ,was already back by me and Ned. The girl caught me staring at her, so she stared back at me for a while. I was getting very uncomfortable so i broke the eye contact and went back to talking to Ned. After another few minutes, the twins came up to us and introduced themselves. ​

''Hi I'm Wanda, that's Pietro'' the girl said. ​

''I'm Peter'' ​

''Ned'' ​

''Y/n '' ​

''Nice to meet you three.'' Pietro said with a smile. I could tell that Pietro was still dazed with what he thought was air pushing him over but was actually y/n .His hair was a complete mess. And he looked Kinda cute with his hair going everywhere.​

''Peter you're drooling.'' y/n said telepathically.​

''No, I'm not y/n.''​

''Yes, you are. Wipe your mouth its embarrassing.''​

''You are so annoying you know that.''​

Y/n ignored my comment and went back to talking with Wanda. ​

Wanda was trying to read y/ns mind obviously having difficulties . It's not like they would just let anyone in their mind. They don't even let me in their mind! We walked up the steps to the high school and Ned started going in with Y/n, so I waved goodbye to Wanda and Pietro and ran in to y/n and Ned. ​

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