2-Talking to Ned

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(Y/n pov)

''So.... What is the orphanage normally like Ned?'' Peter asked with an obvious hint of curiosity and a tiny bit of shyness in it. Peter usually was really Bossy so I don't know why he was acting shy.​

''Well honestly Peter ,it's a living hell. Everyone tries to stay on Mrs Thompson's good side, but it's practically impossible.'' Ned was a bit angry when he said this, but Peter didn't notice, but I did of course.​

''Is it bad when she gets angry?''​

''DEFINETLY. If she gets angry you will wish you were not there. And by the way it's a made up rule that all the kids in the orphanage made ,that if a punishment is made that the older kids must take it not the younger ones, so get prepared for that....''By the time Ned finished he had tears in his eyes threatening to fall but he pushed them back trying to hide them.​

'' What do you like to do Ned?'' I asked.​

''Well, I like to play Star Wars and when I get out of that horrible place we call 'home' I want to travel to different places to try the food.'' He said with enthusiasm.''​

''Us too'' Peter and I said at the same time.​

We all smiled at each other and Peter and Ned went deep into a conversation about Star Wars while I played a game on my phone. I looked up from my phone and saw a pair of twins talking to each other. They look around a year or two older than the three of us. I could hear them talking about a group of people they called  'The Avengers.' While they were talking to each other I saw a car was heading their way as they were about to cross the street.

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