Chapter 20-The twins come back

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(Conference room pov)

After everyone came back to the conference room without Steve all hell broke loose. Everyone was talking above each other at the same time, making it impossible for anyone to be heard. After 20 minutes of the loud conversations, Nick Fury walked in, and all the attention was brought to him. No one dared to make a sound as the captain walked over to the screen in the middle of the room. Fury connected his hard drive to the screen in the room and opened a folder with the strange orange octopus on it. Everyone in the room was confused as they didn't know what the symbol meant except from Bucky, Wanda, Pietro and Natasha who looked like they had just seen a ghost.

"What are.. What is that doing on the screen?" Bucky mumbled looking absolutely terrified of it.

"You know of this quite frankly, atrocious symbol?" Thor said looking very confused.

"It's the HYDRA symbol." She whispered just loud enough to be heard by everyone.

"Indeed it is. We discovered that it was HYDRA agents who took Cap. What we don't know is which base they are headed to or are in, why they want Cap and what they plan on doing with him."

"So what do you guess they are going to do with him at Hyd-"

Before Bruce could finish saying the name Hydra, there was a loud jumpscare. 'BOO' behind the team making them jump up in their chair. Everyone jumped at least a mile in their chair except from Nick Fury who looked like he was expecting it. When the team turned around they say the twins standing absolutely bored of being there.

"Why would you do that?" Tony shouted at them.

 "Why not." Y/n and Peter said to tony while trying to hold in a grin.

"You're late." He said while giving the twins a death glare.

"1 you're glare is starting to go bad and 2 we were stopping a bank robbery." Y/n said while giving Nick Fury the exact glare back to him.

"Don't blame me, Y/n started talking to a cat we found in a tree."

"Cat's that are stuck in trees are as much of a priority as bank robbery's."

"i do not agree. Cats are vermin and should not be able to roam this planet."

"i swear if you say 1 more bad thing about cats I will drag you to a cat shelter and let them eat you alive Thor!" Y/n shouted at Thor.

"Y/n stop with the death threats and go sit next to Loki. Peter, sit next to Thor." Y/n gave one last glare at Thor before sitting next to Loki.

"Nice trick. It never works for me though. I wonder why?" By now
Loki was very confused so I tried to ease the tension by changing the subject.

"So what was so urgent then ?" I questioned Fury.

"Where's Steve?" I looked around the room and oddly enough he wasn't there.

"Cap has been taken by Hydra."

"Damn Hydra" Y/n muttered under their breath.

"What do you mean 'Damn Hydra'? "

"Do you really need to know?" Peter asked but Bucky's stare made him slump down in his chair.

"Hydra captured us a few years back, but we managed to escape." Y/n started to explain, but stopped to let Peter continue.

"They've been trying to get us and capture us again since we escaped."

"You were captured? Why are they so keen to get you back then?"

"They gave us our powers in a experiment they did."

"It can't be. I thought you two died. I can't believe your the twins..."

"Same here Buck.

"Anyway, we know how to find him if you don't know where he is already." Peter said gaining all the attention.

"How?" Tony questioned.

"I placed a tracker on him, when we first met." Y/n said while smirking to themsef. Peter joining in with the smirking.

"WHAT? WHY? HOW?" Nick Fury shouted at Y/n, making their smirk instantaneously fall off along with Peters.

"To answer your short ramble, we placed a tracker on him like I just said. How is not to be said and why is for safety reasons."

"Do you want his location now?" Peter asked starting to get annoyed.

"Go ahead." He said sarcastically, guessing they won't be able to find him, since he couldn't.

"LYDIA track captain ice cube." A few of the avengers smirked at the name but quickly wiped it of when they heard the twins ai talking.

"Captain Ice Cube, was taken to the main WW2 Hydra base. The base was recently remade in its original spot in the Alps. I have already set up the co-ordinates in the quint jet." Everyone turned their faces to look at Y/n and Peter who were staring intently at each other and smirking.

"How did Lynda find that out so fast?" Tony questioned.

"It's called 'Noyb'" Peter said.

"What is 'noyb' ? " Tony questioned.

"Noyb is none . of . your . business." Y/n said in a very sassy tone, which earned them a few dissaproving looks but all the smirks in the room outweighed the looks.

"They got you good tincan." Loki said while trying to hide his giggling, but failing miserably.

"What's the plan to get him back then?" Bucky asked.

20 minutes later.
After going over the plan, on how to get Steve back, the team decided to call it a night and head to bed to get as much sleep as they could. Everyone lied in bed with the same thought that night, Steve. It was decided in the plan that Y/n, Peter, Thor, Natasha, Tony, Clint and Wanda would be going. Bucky would be waiting at the tower with Bruce to make sure everything is ready for when the team arrive.  Loki wouldn't be able to come because he had to return to Asgard and talk to his father Odin, the ruler of Asgard.

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