Chapter 17-Legal or illegal?

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(Nat pov)​

I feel bad for Y/n. I mean they only met their dad the other day, and now they just heard that he practically doesn't like them. The kid is only 15! They doesn't deserve that, and how can he not like them. The twins are superheroes and have been for years. They are smarter than almost everyone in the room right now. Even though they have an attitude and a bad reputation, it's only half of them. The other half is a superhero that has a better reputation than every single avenger here.​

"Really Steve. You had to call your own child that. It hasn't even been a week, since you've known them. What is wrong with you?" I shouted at him. I looked at him and he was just ignoring me.​

"Do you even care Steve?" Steve just walked out the room after Wanda said that and I just scoffed at him.​

"Jarvis, is there any way we can get ahold of the twins?" I looked at Tony, and I could tell that he actually cared for the twins.​

"They have an email account, that fans can send messages through at. You could contact them on there, but it is untraceable."​

"Send them an email saying, that they should come back, and talk to us about what happened."​

"The email has been sent sir. It is unlikely that they will respond sir."​

"Isn't there any other way?"​

"I might have a way?" All eyes were shifted onto me and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.​

"What is the way Nat?" He said, while eyeing me down questionably.​

"Whilst Peter and me, where fighting I put a tracker on Peter." I said while looking at my feet in defeat. I heard the door open, and someone start talking in a very happy but very angry voice, which made me tense up a little.​

"1 That is very inappropriate, and 2 why haven't you tracked them yet?"​

"You aren't allowed to do that." Nick said while looking at everyone in the room and giving me a death glare.​

"Why not?"​

"It's illegal, and when the twins said that they would do a mind erase on you, they will. It's not like shield would be able to stop them. They wouldn't be doing anything wrong, and it would be perfectly legal."​

" How is it legal for them to do a mind erase on us?"​

"They already told Steve, Bruce, Wanda, Thor and i this but it's part of their secrecy code. When they told us who they were, they told us it was important to them that their identities didn't get out to the world. I don't blame them though they are only 15 and in still school."​

"It still doesn't make it ok for them to erase our minds!"​

"They said they have done it already so I wouldn't get on their bad side. So you know"​

"I personally don't want my mind wiped, I don't know about you guys." I think she's scared of the twins, but I can't blame them, because I am to.​

"Maybe we should leave them alone to calm down. If I heard someone that I had recently learned was my father say he practically wanted me to be someone else, I would do the same thing as y/n. You can't really blame them for going back to wherever they went."​

"I guess, but how do we know that they are safe though?"​

​"How do you know all that stuff about the twins and Wales Natasha?"Nick Fury questioned. Should I tell them the truth or a lie??? I guess its probably better with the truth.​

"I have a friend that lives in the uk and asked them about it over call so Friday couldn't stop them .They said that the twins haven't been out in a few days since their technology is so advanced they don't need to."​

"We should ask them for the armour for us to use here."​

"There has been a reply from the twins. Would you like me to read it out for you sir"Jarvis asked startling us all in the process.​

"The Message says 'We have Been listening in on your pathetic conversation, and we would like to say, that you should listen to Fury before its to late, and so you know that is a threat. Nat, the tracker is on the back of you neck, Peter placed it there right after you put it on him. Wanda we won't wipe your brain completely if you spill our secret just a little, but with the rest of you, by the time the mind sweep is done you wont know your name. Don't mess with us, you will regret it. Another threat. Tony the bots are only for me and Peter to use and have in Wales, so dream on. They are never going anywhere near you, shield or anywhere out of Wales perimeters. They actually can't they'll blow up. Nice chatting with you guys. We can see that you are all confused except for Dad who looks kind of angry, so we'll be going now. Only, contact us if there is real danger that you can't handle yourselves and you need us to sort out or if you're names are Loki, Wanda or Pietro. Hope you understand. By the way Nick, if you need to contact us there has been a message sent to your phone. Only contact if your twats or a so called team need our help. Nat don't tell them what a twat is. You'll regret it. Adios.' "

"I completely agree with y/n name for you guys. A twat of a team."​

"You don't even know what the word means do you?"​

"If they are threatening you on not telling them what it means, I guess it's bad."​

"Twat means stupid or obnoxious, so you know."​Loki stated to himself.

"The twins have sent a video for Loki to watch."​

"Play it Jarvis."​


"Loki, Loki, Loki. You are going to regret that. If it wasn't for a certain something someone has on you. You wouldn't be sitting there right now."​

"What do you mean Y/n?"​

" Cut the video." Y/n looks towards the camera and winks.​

"What do you mean?"​

"You like loki don't you?."​


"Y/n what do you mean  haha..." Peter said while still advancing on them.

"The camera is still rolling."​

"You are so dead."​

"Shoot." Peter start taking off his belt, while still staring at y/n.​

"You are going to regret that." Peter comes towards the camera waves at it, then urns the mic off, but he leaves the camera on."​

Peter stands back up and looks at y/n with a death stair. He has his belt in one hand and starts walking towards y/n. Y/n looks towards the camera then backs away only to bump into the wall. Peter grabs y/n arm then pulls them onto the table next to them. Peter starts wrestling y/n trying to hit their bottom with the belt and the camera turns black with them both laughing on the floor.​

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