9- Y/n in trouble.

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(Peter Pov.)​

After I sit down in class, I noticed Y/n isn't there, so I decides to telepathically talk to them and figure out where they is.​

"Y/n , where are you?"​


"Y/n where are you?"​


"Get to class NOW!"​

"Geez. Calm down Peter. I'm coming now."​

After Y/n said that they walked in the classroom 10 seconds later. they didn't look very happy.​

"What's wrong with you?"​

"Steve saw me outside. Let's just say he wasn't very happy to see me outside on my phone."​

"Why what did he do?"​

"He took my phone , gave me a few swats on my bum then told me to get to class."​

"Has he still got your phone?"​

"Yep. I think he's going to give it back to me tonight at Stark Tower."​

"Maybe, you won't try to ditch class next time then."​

"You really think taking my phone away, and giving me a few swats on my butt is going to make me stop skipping class?"​

"Well I hope it does. You don't listen to me at all anymore. And you never get punishments when you do stupid things. So yeah." After that Y/n ignored me for the rest of the lesson.​


Me and Y/n went straight into Stark building. I looked around and all I could think about was how expensive everything must be. Before entering there was all the security. Then, all the expensive gadgets everyone is using. All Stark of course. After all of that it was absolute chaos. There were people working, agents, fans and I thought I even saw one or two of the avengers there. We walked straight to Natasha who greeted me with a smile, but she just gave y/n a death stare making y/n look at the ground in embarrassment. We followed Nat up a corner, then turned down a corridor, until she stopped at an elevator. She said Steve was waiting for us on the top floor then left. We got in the elevator and it started moving up. I had learned in school, that Jarvis programmed lifts and stuff in the building, so I wasn't that surprised when it started moving.​

Once the lift stopped, we walked out, and saw Steve waiting for us. Steve did the exact same thing Nat did. He smiled at me then made y/n look at the floor with his death stare.​

"So what did you want to talk to us about Mr. Rogers?" I started the conversation off with.​

"Y/n behaviour."​

When he said Y/n behaviour , I saw that y/n was fiddled with the hem of their shirt.

"I guess you can talk to them about it."​

"I'm gonna punish them too."​

"Go ahead. They might not listen though, or do what you say."​

"Y/n look at me pls." Yn just kept on looking at the floor. Mr. Roger's waited a few seconds before holding y/n chin up, so they were forced to look up at him.​

"When I talk to you, you look at me." Y/n just nodded in response as Mr. Rogers let go of their chin.​

"Tell me what you think you have done wrong today Y/n." Y/n stayed silent.​

" I'm not going to ask again y/n." Y/n still stayed quite after he said that.​

"Lean against the table Y/n." Y/n did what they was told, and Mr. Rogers gave them 20 swats on their bum, with his hand. They looked like they really hurt, and I could tell they were fighting off tears.​

"Tell me what you think you have done wrong today Y/n."​ Y/n hesitated before starting. 

" I tried to punch someone a few times, got detention, ignored you, cussed at you and other people, ran off, rolled my eyes at you, and tried to skip class." Y/n rambled.​

Wow, that is a lot of things in one day even for y/n. Mr. Rogers looked at Y/n, then nodded. He turned y/n round by their arm, so they were leaning against the table again. He was about to pull their shorts down but instead said

"Since I'm not your guardian I won't make you take your shorts off but next time I won't be that nice."

He took his belt off and gave them another 20 smacks on their bum with it. They were crying quietly when he had finished. They can really withstand a lot of pain. He put his belt back on and helped Y/n to stand up again. Y/n came up to me and fell into my arms, so I just stood there and hugged them.​

He then turned to me. And looked me in the eyes and asked me if I had done anything wrong that day. I said I didn't think so and he just nodded.​

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