Chapter 6|| Snuffles, A new Friend.

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It has been 3 weeks since Amelia's encounter with Snuffles, everyday she had been going to the same place place where she met him carrying some food

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It has been 3 weeks since Amelia's encounter with Snuffles, everyday she had been going to the same place place where she met him carrying some food. She often received some quizzical looks for carrying food outside castle by some students but didnt seem to mind it.

    Her friendship with snuffles grew more and more, everyday she would tell him about every tiny detail of her schedule and the dog seemed to listen it with full attention. She found it rather easy to share her feeling with the dog than with people. It was just an animal who would not judge her for whatever she was or whoever's daughter she is.

    Right now she was sitting in her godfather's class room, having evening tea with him.

    "I am quite suprised its been almost two months and you didnt receive a single detention" Remus said while sipping his tea. Amelia rolled her eyes.

   "Who do you think I am, I know you received more detentions than anyone in your time" Amelia chuckled.

    "Hey it was not me! it was your stupid father, who had to prank everyone and receive full month of detentions in just once." He blurted and instantly regretted seeing Amelia's smile fade.

     She tore her gaze from her godfather and started roaming her eyes around the room. An awkward silence filled the room. Trying to ease the tension in the room remus started once again.

    "Anyways tell how's it been going till now with you, any new friends other than slytherins" He looked at Amelia hopefully that it will lighten her mood.

   "Actually yes, I have a new friend" Amelia said nodding & smiling and reminiscing moments with her new friend and by seeing the smile tug on Amelia's lips Remus gave her a questioning look and asked.

   "Well who is it, are you in a relatio--" He was cut off by Amelia, who understood what he was going to ask.

    "What NO!– Remus! seriously! how could you even think that!?" She exclaimed wide eyed with a fake disgusted face.

    "Well, its not something impossible, so tell me who is it, is it a boy?" Remus asked eyeing her suspiciously.

    "Well, yes technically" Amelia said smirking.

    "What do you mean by technically" Remus asked confused.

   "Okay let me clear it to you, I have befriended a dog, and I named him Snuffles, I have been meeting him almost everyday" Amelia explained.

    "Great, how did I even assume you're gonna have normal friends" Remus scoffed.

    "Hey! dont say it like that, he's my true friend, and you know what I am going to meet him right now, wanna join?" Asked Amelia standing up.

    "No thanks, have a great time with your 'new friend'" Remus mocked sarcastically.

    "Your loss" Amelia yelled running out of the class.

    "Dont run" He shouted back while chuckling.

     Amelia reached near the black lake, having some biscuits in her hands. She sat down trying to catch her breath. She laid there for almost 15 mins with closed eyes and suddenly something fell on her. It was Snuffles above her licking her face with excitement.

    "Eww Snuffles get off" said Amelia between laughs. The obedient dog got off her, she sat up and wiped her face. She quickly spilled the biscuits on the ground for snuffles to eat.

    "Here you go" She said while patting his head.

    Almost half an hour past they sat in pure serenity enjoying the sunset and listen the beautiful sound on water in the black lake. Amelia was humming a song, and it sounded like a treat to the ears. (She was damn good in singing). She finished humming her song. And sat up and brought the dog to her lap. And started patting its head, which was supremely enjoyed by the dog.

     "I always wonder snuffles, do you have a family?" She asked while admiring the beauty of the lake.

     "Have I told you about mine, maybe not, because there's not much to tell, I have an uncle from my mother's side and a godfather, they both love me its just my uncle who is unable to show it, and I dont mind as he was in slytherin, they dont show much feelings, do they? But let me tell you a secret, although its not a secret whole bloody wizarding world knows about it, my serial killer father is on the loose, he escaped from azkaban. He was arrested on the charge of murdering some muggles and a wizard. And now after twelve bloody years he escaped, I wonder what for? they say he wants to kill harry potter, I wont mind actually, that'll be the best thing my murderer of a father will do till now. But after that what he'll do, whatever, I couldn't care less. He was just a prick as told by my uncle. He might be on about mischief right now too. But unfortunately because of him being my father, I have to suffer every bloody day. I didnt murder the muggles, I wasnt sent to azkaban, nor did I betray my family like my father who got his wife killed and his child orphaned, but still here I am paying for the crimes which I didnt commit, my father did, you know what I dont even want to call him father, he lost every right to be called one when he betrayed all his loved ones, he was just a selfish prat. Every time I listen his name, my blood boils. I just want to beat the living hell out of someone whoever associates me with him. And also I have done that a few times in the past few days. But thats not the point, I just wish the ministry finds him again and take him to azkaban, I just dont want to see his face, every bit of my body hates him." Amelia finished desparately. She saw that the dog had now grown sad eyes, they were filled with sorrow? Maybe he was understanding her and feeling sad about her. She ignored the fact and got up and dusted her clothes.

    "Alright Snuffles thats enough of my feelings today bye bye" She gave him a quick kiss on head and ran inside the castle.

    Upon reaching the common room, she stood out, trying to remember the password which was changed at regular intervals for safety purpose.
The fat lady sneered at her for always forgetting the password.

     "Are you going to come in or not?" The fat lady hissed .

    "Will you atleast give me time to remember the bloody password" Amelia whined. Soon The chosen one came into the view and stood beside Amelia frowning.

    "What are you waiting for, chit chatting with the fat lady?" Harry Potter scoffed.

   "Very funny Potter, now say the damn password, I cant remember it" Amelia said rolling her eyes.

    "Yeah why would you remember gryffindor password, you might be very well knowing about the slytherin ones." Harry taunted.

    "Just. Make. This. Fat. Lady. Open. The. Door." Amelia said with the deadliest glare.

    "Do your bickering somewhere else" The fat lady sneered again.

    "Blabbermouth" Potter muttered.

    The door quickly swung open and they both stepped inside and parted their ways to either sides of the room.
Amelia quickly got changed in her dorm and slipped into the bedsheet covers sleeping soundly.

Word count: 1229
𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚!

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