Chapter 29 || Malfoy Manor

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Amelia stood outside a grand mansion, with no sign of life around it

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Amelia stood outside a grand mansion, with no sign of life around it. She held a confused expression is this really the place where Draco lives? She arrived at the Malfoy Manor as she was invited by her aunt. She waited outside holding a pure ladylike posture to impress her aunt. She knocked on the large metal door. Someone slided a small hole to see who it is. Amelia could see it was an elf, a scary elf.

"Who is this?" The elf snarled on her face. Amelia backed away wide eyed on the loud snarl.

"Um- its me Amelia Black, Draco's cousin, i was invited" Amelia said cautiously to the scary elf. Upon hearing the name the elf swung open the door, suddenly his scowling face started to beam.

"Mistress, the guest has arrived, Mistress Black has arrived" The elf yelled happily, the inner large gate opened two figures could be seen coming forward. One was clear it was Draco, beside him a tall and slender woman, her hair half platinum blonde and half black, her face was perfect, with her chin high and gentle smile she came forward royally. Amelia passed a smile to Draco, when he came running towards her to envelope her in a hug. Amelia chuckled in happiness while hugging him back.

"Happy birthday Amelia" Draco said pulling away. Amelia grinned at him before the woman beside him cleared her throat smiling at Amelia.

"Amelia this is my mom" Draco introduced his mom who quickly brought Amelia in a gentle yet warm embrace. 

"Its so good to meet you Amelia dear" The woman said pulling away smiling.

"Thankyou for inviting me Mrs. Malfoy" Amelia smiled at her.

"Call me Narcissa dear, or better, call me aunt" The woman said taking Amelia's hands in hers.

" Thankyou Aunt Narcissa" Amelia smiled at her. They all went inside the large mansion. Narcissa ordered the elf to get the tables ready while Draco took her to show around the manor.

"I really thought snape wouldnt allow you, but see here you are" Draco said grinning at her.

"I know how to get my ways out" Amelia said smirking, although she herself thought Severus agreeing to her to go was a miracle. Draco showed her around the whole manor. Amelia could see the whole house screamed  Slytherin, it was dark, no liveliness just an eery silence.

" Master Malfoy, Mistress Malfoy has sent Rilus to bring Master Malfoy and Mistress Black to the dining room." The scary looking elf squeaked.

" Tell her we are coming Rilus" Draco said slightly glaring at the elf. Amelia frowned at this behavior of her cousin. Obviously in these pureblood families elfs are treated very badly. Amelia thought to herself. Draco led them to the dining area where Narcissa already sat at the head of the table.

"Come Amelia sit, today's lunch is specially prepared for the occasion of your birthday" Narcissa called smiling , both Draco and Amelia sat on either hands of Narcissa, opposite to each other. They talked about Amelia and Draco's school time.

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