Chapter 32 || A Date With The Hufflepuff

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Today Cedric and Amelia had 'their date', none of them knew what her this was friendly date or the 'date date'

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Today Cedric and Amelia had 'their date', none of them knew what her this was friendly date or the 'date date'. Amelia sat in her room with her wardrobe opened not being able to decide what to wear. She now understood the problems girls face when getting ready.

Hermione came in and saw a confused Amelia sitting with her chin resting on her hands. Hermione kind of got to know what the real matter might be because she was seeing her talking to Cedric a lot lately. Hermione smiled and went towards her.

"You should wear this and this" Hermione said plopping a white t-shit, a black high waisted jeans and a chrome yellow coat with a small woolen muffler. Amelia raised an eyebrow at her.

"On what basis are you suggesting me this?" Amelia asked pretending to be rude.

"I am just helping a helplessly oblivious girl for her date" Hermione said shrugging.

"Who said i am going on a date" Amelia retorted scowling at her, Hermione gave her the knowing look.

"Your face says it all" Hermione sing-songed. Amelia glared at her.

"I am not going on a date, just meeting a friend" Amelia said folding her arms looking away. Hermione hummed arranging her books.

"And on what experience are you suggesting me to wear all this if you think i am going on a date, huh?" Amelia asked smirking seeing the girl nervously fiddle with her books, Amelia laughed at her.

" I dont have any experience in dating, i just told what i have seen in movies" hermione said looking anywhere but at Amelia, Amelia knew very well she was lying.

"Okay granger, thanks for the advice, i hope i will provide the same help when you go on a date with weasly" Amelia said smirking picking the clothes which hermione decided and going inside the bathroom.

"I am not dating Ron" Hermione shouted from outside the door, Amelia let out a laugh.

"I never said anything about him" Amelia called laughing, she heard hermione stomp her foot on the wooden floor.

Cedric stood outside the gryffindor common room waiting for his date, everytime the portrait hole opened he would jump hoping it was Amelia. He had been on dates many time but this time something was special. This time his date was with Amelia and she was special for him.

The portrait hole opened again, Cedric who was leaning on the wall jumped to look who came out, but much to his disappointment it was not Amelia, it was the chosen one. Harry gave him a wierd look before asking.

"Hey Cedric, need something?" Harry asked awkwardly looking at the well dressed boy.

"Um nothing potter, just waiting for someone you can go" Cedric said awkwardly smiling at him, instantly the potrait hole opened and out came Amelia, dressed beautifully in the clothes decided by Hermione. Harry and Cedric turned to look at her, both of theirs mouth parted as they gawked at her. Amelia smiled at cedric completely ignoring Harry.

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