Chapter 63 || Nymphodora Tonks

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"So you are telling me that she did all this and hasn't woken up since then?" Remus asked worried standing in the shattered kitchen of noble house of black. Amelia, who last lost it and all that happened, is now asleep, and its been fifteen hours since then.

"She shouted at me Moony and she looked so scary–"

"I think there's a misunderstanding, its quite normal in wizarding world, when magical children feel overwhelmed this happens." Remus reasoned. Sirius pursed his lips.

"Something is wrong with her.. I am telling you" Sirius said lowly.

"Oh shut up– she is just feeling alone, maybe we should call weasleys earlier than Dumbledore decided, The aurors were suppossed to come right?" Remus asked.

"Very Well then"


A few hours later Sirius Black got to know that his daughter is awake, and he decided that he must do something. So after spending am hour or so in the kitchen, he went to Amelia's room with a large tray in his hands. He softly called from outside the door, and heard a weak 'its open'.

He quitely went inside and found his daughter sitting at the window sill staring outside aimlessly. He sighed before putting up a smile on his face and approached her.

"Good.. Afternoon Amy" He sing songed gaining her attention.

She raised an eyebrow at him, but quickly looked away crossing her legs. He took this as an opportunity to set the tray in front of her and dragged a chair for himself.

"I dont want to–" she began sighing.

"Who said its for you, This is for me" Sirius said playfully picking up the plate revealing hot pancakes. A familiar ache gain found its way to Amelia's heart at the sight, letting out a shuddered breath she looked away.
Sirius noticed her uneasiness.

"What? Now you dont like pancakes!?" He asked acting bewildered. She stayed quite for sometime.

"I made pancakes a few weeks ago.. for him" She said in a small voice staring at the perfect pancakes. Sirius gave her a small sad smile at the mention of 'him'.

"You really miss him, dont you?" Sirius asked already knowing the answer. She looked away as again her eyes started brimming.

"Look Amelia, I know how it feels when someone leaves us, i have experienced that many times, but life doesnt stops after they leave, we have to continue moving on. You know right?, Our loved ones never leave us they stay here forever" Sirius said softly, Amelia looked at him to see he was himself feeling hurt.

"Beside Mum and Harry's father who else left you?" Amelia asked. Sirius stayed silent for a moment before breathing out a chuckle.

"Someone from my childhood, although we didnt get along ever, atleast not since our school started, we started to despise each other but i still miss h-him even after everything." Sirius said with a sad spainful smile on his face. Amelia was in no energy to ask furhter so just nodded and kept looking outside the window.

"Hey! Pancakes!" Sirius exclaimed gaining her attention back. Amelia smiled half heartedly taking small bites eith a heavy heart.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 ⚯͛  𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now