Chapter 86 || Department of Ministry - II

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"Sirius she is gone" Hermione said with tears streaming down her face to the man who had a fragile body clutched to himself crying in agony.

"No no no.. A-Amelia w-wake up– c-come back–" Sirius Black sobbed desperately clutching to the cold and pale white body of his daughter.

Remus Lupin, who stayed collapsed in front of Amelia's feet had no single word coming out of his dry throat, he just stared the girl, who was his goddaughter, whom he raised since she was barely a year old, who was like his own daughter to him, who now was not moving at all.

Remus I wont let you go, even if you want to.

Her words rang in his mind which she said not more than a couple of months ago. She promised she will not let him go anywhere, but now he was left with a question. What if she goes herself?

Because she did.

"Re-Remus, Remus– A-Amelia is gone" Tonks sobbed shakily placing a hand on his shoulder. He didnt stir or move just stared at her as if she will once again wake up and call him 'Moony' and make silly jokes about his 'furry little problem'.

He waited for her to jolt up and start complaining about how Sev bored her all day, or she wants him to make her favourite food. But she just calmly layed there, eyes closed, her chest not falling or rising, her skin looking as pale as all the blood drained out of her body.

While her own father cried his heart out not letting his daughter go, pushing everyone away from him who tried to pull him apart from his daughter. Shaking her, calling her, screaming in hope maybe she will open her eyes again and fight with him, yell at him for choosing Harry, but she looked as calm as ever.


"CRUCIO" Harry Potter yelled at the other side of the room covered in tears,  making the wicked witch dressed in black scream in pain.

"CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO!" The loud shrieks of the woman filled the place, as Harry Potter mercilessly kept yelling the curse at her. The image of Amelia Black taking the green light on herself, gasping for air, collapsing on the ground, and slowly closing her eyes going all silent, kept playing in his mind.


"We shall take the body to the headquaters" Mad Eye Moody said quietely watching all the devastated people. "Sirius! Leave her! Whats done is done– the body shall be removed–"

"SHUT UP" Both Sirius and Remus roared making the man flinch back in fear.

"A-Amelia you cannot go like this– wake up!" Remus yelled at his goddaughter tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Sirius Black" No one heard a gasp other than a few aurors and saw The Minister standing there bewildered, his eyes trained on the man with curly shoulder length hair, who was crying mercilessly at his unmoving daughter.

Harry Potter made his way to the place back with Dumbledore, tiredly watching the scene in front of them.

"Harry!" Hermione and Ron rushed towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Hermione's hysterical tears dampening his shirt, Harry's eyes fell on the girl who layed on floor, unmoving.

"Amelia" he breathed out with a tear rolling down his cheek and ran towards his godfather falling on his knees beside him.

"Sirius!" Harry cried to his godfather pulling him in a tight hug and heard him sobbing against him. "M-My Daughter, A-Amelia, she died because of m-me, she died saving me– I could not even apologize to her- she hated me- and I-I deserved it Harry, I could not treat her properly, I could not give her the best, I could not be the father she wanted me to be, S-Sierra will never forgive me"

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 ⚯͛  𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now