Chapter 65 || Arguements

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There was a loud knock on the door of the Noble house of Black. Amelia got up with a small smile to open the door. As soon as she opened she was greeted by a warm hug.

"Amelia! How are you?" A small smile formed on Amelia's face on hearing her dorm mates voice.

"I am fine Granger, how are you?" Amelia asked pulling away. Amelia noticed how much she changed over the summer. She couldnt even remember when both the girls last talked to each other, despite living in the same dorm.

"I am good, Is Harry here yet?" Hermione asked hastily. Amelia shook her head and led her in. Amelia told her about the aurors will go to and bring him with them from his muggle home. Everyone welcomed Hermione. Amelia spent most of her time with the twins while Ron, Hermione and Ginny stayed together.

The meetings were constantly held at the place, not allowing any child in them. Fred and George recently turned seventeen, on april fool's day and could now use magic outside the wizarding world and were taking whole advantage of it, mostly by pranking their own baby brother. They offered Amelia to do some mischeif with them but she politely declined. While they explored the whole house, Amelia quitely sat in her room by the window sill reading a book, which Cedric gifted her earlier.

Later at the time of dinner everyone gathered in the dining room. Amelia sat between the twins, suddnenly remembering something.

"Hey! What's with your joke shop?" She asked out of the blue, knowing how excited both of them were for it.

"Oh its on its way darling, you'll be the first one to know dont worry" Fred replied. Amelia hummed, while Sirius passed a short glare at the redhead boy who sat too close to her in his opinion.

"But where did all the money came from?" She asked, knowing they were not that stable financially.

"Oh Harry gifted his prize of thousand galleons which he got from the tournament" George answered, Amelia gawked, he gifted thousand galleons!

"What!? He insisted, we couldnt say no to his small face" Fred said shrugging innocently. Amelia shook her head. I didnt know chosen one was this noble.

"Btw when is he coming?" Ron asked.

"Tomorrow hopefully" sirius answered with pursed lips. Amelia knew how worried was her father for the boy.

"Will he face trials?" Hermione asked.

"Yes maybe, I heard Moody talk about it" Ron said.

"But isnt that really hard to believe?" George asked confused.

"Obviously, I mean who would believe that he fought dementors that too outside the wizarding world, bullshit" Amelia scoffed.

"Amelia" Sirius warned.

"What Dad? He shouldnt have firstly taken his wand outside, and even if he did, he cannot just lie like this, that he fought dementors to save himself and his cousin, and also we all know dementors are not visible to muggles, or will he now claim that his cousin is also a wizard?" Amelia exclaimed. Sirius shook his head and sighed, there was nothing he could say to make her quite.

"Amelia dont just assume things-" Hermione began.

"Sorry, I forgot, chosen one's whole fandom is sitting here" Amelia scoffed, everyone stared at her, what happened to her suddenly?

"Continue eating everyone" Sirius said sighing, he recently experienced a lot of mood swings of his daughter, and knew the best way to deal with them was to simple ignore them.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 ⚯͛  𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now