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I started underlining incorrect grammar and spelling words correctly in red ink. I was halfway done but the red ink started to bother me.

Ace: Red is such a mean color

He laughed

Max: What do you mean?

Ace:Think about it you do your very best on a paper or assignment and when you get it back all the things you did wrong are in the world's rudest color. Not only is your grade written as large as possible at the top of the page. But it's there for the entire world to see.

Max: So you dislike red?

Ace: Red is my favorite color, I just hate the negative connotation that comes with it.

Over the next two months I would go to his house and we would listen to music and grade papers. Nothing serious but my feelings for him became harder to hide. Something about him being so different. The way he speaks, walks, even the way he twirls a pen in his hand trying to find out what's wrong. I'd be at his house for hours, talking about literature and he'd ask me about my band. Like he actually cared that was what threw me off guard. He made it easy for me to let my guard down.

Max: Can I ask you something?

I was sitting on the couch with my legs crossed.

Ace: Of course

Max:I don't want to invade your privacy but do you have a boyfriend?

Why would he ask me that?

Ace: I don't but my ex from two years ago won't leave me alone. So I can't really date because of him

Max: But you want to date?

Ace: I guess you could say that, I like company and conversation. But when someone you care about does things to ruin that. It is less of a need and more of a want.

Max: Can I show you something?

I nodded my head

I could feel him smirking at me. He stood in front of me and held out his hand, I slowly put mine in his.

Ace: Where are we going?

Max: My backyard

Ace: backyard?

Max: Yes

We walked outside and the stars were dazzling, he lives far enough from the city to be able to see them.

Ace: Max it's beautiful

Max: Yes you are

What did he just say?

I looked at him

Ace: Max-

He kissed me, don't get me wrong I wanted it but it shouldn't have happened.

Max: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have

Ace: It's okay, but I should go. Umm... we can talk about whatever just happened later with clear minds

Max: Of course.

I walked back inside and grabbed my things and left going back to the dorm. I took a shower and accidentally woke up Ceci.

Ceci: AP you okay?

Ace: I don't know if I told you but a few months ago HE broke up with his girlfriend

Ceci and I never referred to Max by his name because we don't want him to get in trouble

Ceci: that's great

The Start of You and I: FRESHMAN YEARWhere stories live. Discover now