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A week went by with no problems and today is my birthday. I was in the library when Max walked in with his grandparents. They walked over to me and I was kind of concerned to say the least.

Ace: Good afternoon professor

Max: Good afternoon Ms.Phillips

He grandmother stepped in front of him

Grandmother: Ms.Phillips it has come to my attention that today is your birthday and I would like to invite you to a small dinner with the four of us.

Ace: Oh, I don't really celebrate my birthday.

Grandmother: Than consider it a home cooked meal

Ace: I would be honored, when and where?

Grandmother: I trust Max has your information, I'll have him send you everything you need.

Ace: Yes ma'am,thank you.

I am very confused

Max: You guys can go ahead. I have a few books I need to check out.

Ace: Do you need any help?

Max: Lord of the flies

Ace: Follow me

I got up and started walking up the stairs to the back of the library where the book was. I got on the ladder and started looking for it.

Ace: Would you like to explain what's going on?

Max: I honestly couldn't tell you, they said they wanted to talk to you.

I grabbed the book and started climbing down

Max: Careful

He grabbed my hand by instinct, I didn't think much of it.

Ace: I'm good, thank you. Any other books?

Max: I think this will be it

We walked back to my station, I checked it out and added a receipt with the due date.

Ace: I guess, I'll see you for dinner

Max: See you then

I clocked out for the day and went back to the dorm to take a shower.

Ceci: Hey, how are you feeling?

Ace: What do you mean?

Ceci: Your dad...

Ace: Oh, I'm fine. I mean I miss him , but it's been six years.

Ceci: Grief doesn't have a timeline

Ace: No it doesn't but I know he wouldn't want me to be sad forever.

Ceci: Any plans?

My phone buzzed

Ace: Yeah, actually Bubba's Grandmother invited me for a home cooked meal. So I have to go because I couldn't say "NO."

Ceci: That's kinda weird don't you think

Ace: I know it is, that's the problem because I have to pretend I don't know my way to or around his house.

Ceci: What are you gonna do?

Ace: Fake it until I make it

Ceci: That's one way to go

Ace: It's the only way to go.

I looked at my phone and of course it was Max sending me his address, the time, and what wear to the party. Semi-formal. I showed Ceci.

Ace: Why would I need to wear semi-formal to a "home cooked meal?"

The Start of You and I: FRESHMAN YEARWhere stories live. Discover now