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I put my phone on silent and kept myself busy, I left about thirty minutes early. I drove and parked on the side of the road in one of those little dirt pockets. And started walking down trail 2. I had never made it down path two, we walked every other path together except 2. I never knew why, but I guess I'd find out. It was pretty dark so I used my flashlight and took my time so I didn't fall. I made it to the four mile marker and waited. I didn't like that it was dark and every rustling sound gave me a small panic attack. Then there were arms around my waist. I slowly turned around and let out a sigh of relief. Then pushed him away.

Max: What's wrong?

Ace: I'm still mad at you.

Max: Right, I'm sorry about everything, but I'm mad at you. You're birthday is coming up and you didn't tell me

Ace: I don't celebrate my birthday, I haven't done it for a while. So why would I bring it up?

Max: I don't want to fight with you right now

Ace: I'm not asking you too, why am I here? Why are we on the path we never walk on?

Max: Because my grandparents don't know it exists. It's a safe space.

Ace: I was really hoping to meet them, but that was not how I imagined it.

Max: I know, they're a lot

Ace: That's one word for it, your grandmother was basically looking at me like I was a shirt in a store.

Max: She likes you

Ace: I don't want her approval to date you, I want you to want me because you love me. Not because she says "I'm good for you."

Max: I do love you, you know that

Ace: Do I? Six months, we've hid for six months and now your grandparents want to come and find you someone. Every boy that hits on me I can tell them I'm taken. But you couldn't tell the people who raised you, you were seeing someone.

Max: There are people hitting on you?

Ace: That's not the point Max

Max: Who?

Ace: Are you serious? You know what, I don't even know why I came out here, all you do is change the subject.

Max: WHO!

The tone in his voice startled me, he's never yelled at me before.

Ace: I don't know some guy on campus. He doesn't know it's you if that's what you're so worried about.

Max: I'm worried about some guy hitting on my girl

Ace: Your girl, how am I yours if we can't tell people?

Max: You know why we can't

Ace: And it's not fair, this isn't fair.

Max: Lovebug, I know that. I know this is a lot, sometimes too much

Ace: Bubba I can't do this right now

Max: Ace

Ace: What, what do you want me to say? I love you and I'm trying so hard to fight for us. But I'm so tired

Max: Baby I know

He took me into his arms and I wanted to pull away. I wanted to, everything in me wanted to walk away from him. He put his forehead against mine.

Max: Forgive me

Ace: I will, eventually

Max: Would a kiss make it better?

The Start of You and I: FRESHMAN YEARWhere stories live. Discover now