CHAPTER 6: Ex's and Oh's

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I fell asleep and had the most pleasant dream, even though part of it felt like a nightmare. If Max and I were to get caught we'd lose everything. He might have to go back to England and I would be back at my parents house. I woke up stressed and anxious. I went to my classes and at the end of the day I went to Max's house to help him with stuff for class. I knocked on the door.

Max: Hey love bug

Ace: Bubba we need to talk

Max: Ace what's wrong

I walked inside and sat on the couch

Max: Ace

Ace: Max, I don't want us to be a bad thing but we both know it is.

Max: Ace...

Ace: Everything we're doing is wrong, and it breaks so many rules

Max: Rules are meant to be broken

Ace: We both know that's not true

Max: Don't do this

Ace: How can I not? One of us has to be realistic.

Max: I am being realistic

Ace: We're living in a fantasy and as wonderful as it is, it has to end

Max: What if it isn't fantasy?

Ace: What are you talking about ?

Max: I got an offer at another school near by

Ace: What?

Max: It's no tenure but we can be together

Ace: You can't give up your tenure for me. Elliot is everything for both of us.

Max: You're everything to me

I can't be

Ace: No I'm not

There was a knock on the door.

Max: Who is it?

Harper: Babe, open the door

Ace: Babe?

Max: It's my ex, just two seconds please

I grabbed a stack of papers and started marking through them. You'd be surprised how many people still don't know the difference between your and you're.

Just look busy

He opened the door and she walked inside

Max: Harper what are you doing here?

Harper: It's Friday, we have date night every Friday or have you forgotten

That explains some things

Max: Harper we don't go on dates anymore, we don't do anything together anymore

Harper: Max-i-poo, what are you talking about?

Max: Harper you've got to be delusional. Fucking mad if you think I would ever forgive you for what you did.

Harper: Max you have company, maybe don't embarrass me in front of her

He looked at me

Ace: Maybe I should go

Harper: Maybe you should

I started to get up, but Max stopped me and put his hand on my shoulder

Max: Harper you don't speak to her. My TA is doing her job, and you are preventing me from doing mine. I suggest you get out of my house and don't ever come back.

The Start of You and I: FRESHMAN YEARWhere stories live. Discover now