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Yearbook set up in the back of the room to record the show and take pictures throughout the concert. While they were setting up one of the school reporters came to do a little interview. The girls and I sat on the edge of the stage.

Ross: So I'm going to record this interview and put it on the school website as well as write a little article

Ace: Sounds good

Ross: Alright, introduce yourselves

Ace: I'm Ace

Ceci: I'm Ceci

Mauve: I'm Mauve

Evangeline: Eva

Lydia: And I'm Lydia

All: And we're Ace and the four of hearts

Ross asked us questions like how we got out name and how we met. Then we got the five minute warning for the show to start.

Evangeline: You okay?

Ace: I'm fine, just channeling my feelings.

Lydia: AP, we don't have to perform tonight.

Ace: I got this, let's just say, I'm ready to rock.

The crowd roared, chanting" FOUR OF HEARTS, FOUR OF HEARTS." We took the stage

Ace: Hello loves, how are we feeling tonight?

Mauve started playing the drums quietly.

Crowd: GOOD!

Evangline added her bass and Ceci added her guitar. They both quietly chanted "Black sheep come on" over and over again.

Ace: Elliot University, tonight we have a gift in store for you. Does anyone ever feel like the odd one out?

Crowd: YEAH!

Ace: The Black Sheep

Lydia added the sound of the keyboard and I did what I do best.

Ace: Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when...

The crowd started getting into it and that's what's so amazing about being a performer. You get to see how much the crowd loves what you do.

Ace:Sending my love on a wire...

I started dancing and living my best life. We finished the first song and I took a sip of my water. The girls started playing the next song quietly

Ace: This energy is amazing. Loves, do you know the story of Cinderella? The girl with shoes made out of glass. What if I told you I had a heart of glass?

Crowd: WOO!!!!

Ace:Once I had a love and it was a gas. Soon turned out had a heart of glass. Seemed like the real thing, only to find mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

We finished our song and got through the other two. Just like you by falling in reverse and All I wanted by paramore. The crowd was so into I had never felt so connected to such a large group of people.

Ace: Ladies and Gentleman, We were told we could only perform four songs

Crowd: BOO!

Ace: Unless...


Ace: Unless you want more. Do you want more?

Crowd: YES!

Ace: We have an original song for you, do you want to hear it?


Ace: The last song of the night is called Girl in Leather

I looked at Ceci and she nodded at me and I knew I would be okay. I took a deep breath

Ace: I still remember the way you looked at her and I still consider why you walked away from me.

I saw people nodding their heads and getting into it. I was someone moving through the crowd. It was Max. I was so angry that he kissed me, that I liked it, that I couldn't be with him.

Ace:But tonight I'm alright and I don't need your love to stay alive, alive. Cause I'm back and better than ever, I'm finally breathing on my own and though we're not together

At this point he knew I was singing to him even though it may have come across as at him.

Ace: I'd rather be alone forever, than see you with the girl in leather.

Ceci started to catch on and we picked up the tempo

Ace: You called me last night, telling me it was a past time

Evangeline: A past time

Ace: But little do you know I heard she wrecked your studio

Lydia: It's whatever

Ace: Cause I'm back and better than ever

I took the mic off its stand and started walking around the stage.

Ace: I'm finally breathing on my own and though we're not together I'd rather be alone forever than see you with the girl in leather

Everyone stopped playing their instruments and Mauve just clicked her sticks to a steady tempo the crowd clapped along

Ace: I'm back and better than ever I'm finally breathing on my own and though we're not together I'd rather be alone forever, than see you with the girl in leather

Once I stopped singing the audience went wild, I had never felt so much adrenaline in my entire life.

Ace: Thank you so much for your love and support. You have been such an amazing audience. We're Ace and the Four of Hearts, Good night.

We walked off stage and started jumping and screaming. I put my back against a wall that was rough but it was cold.

Ceci: You okay?

Ace: I'm fine, I mean I just sang a song I wrote about my ex boyfriend who cheated on me with some dominatrix. And on top of that my mystery boy showed up.

Lydia: He showed up? Where is he so I can beat his ass?

Ace: Chill out wild child, no asses will be beat. He's none of my concern right now.

Mauve: Aside from boy troubles can we take a minute and realize we just performed in front of our biggest crowd yet and they loved us.

Ace: They knew our name, they know our faces, and now they know our music.

Evangeline: AP, there's someone here for you

Ace: Who?

Evangeline: Some guy

Ace: I'll be right back.

I went to the door and there he was Charlie.

Let me explain Charlie is my ex boyfriend, we dated junior to senior year. He is lowkey mental, like almost totally insane.  He thinks we're getting back together but there is no way it's going to happen. Between Max and me not being  that desprate or stupid.

The Start of You and I: FRESHMAN YEARWhere stories live. Discover now