Chapter 23: SICK

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What have you done?

Ace: It's fine, It'll be fine.

Max: You really don't want to have kids

Ace: I didn't say that

Max: Your actions say otherwise.

He got up and started getting dressed.

Ace: Bubba, there is an order to my life. Okay, I found the perfect man, who loves me and cares about me. I'm getting my degree, I hope to be your wife someday. But I don't want children before we're ready for them.

I got up and started looking for my clothes. I got dressed and started grabbing my things.

It's hard to explain things people don't fully understand

Ace: My mom was nineteen when she had me. She wasn't married and my dad was never around, it was almost as if he didn't want me. And to spite me he died on my birthday. My step dad he's just the man who adopted me and loved me because he couldn't have children of his own. I don't want that. I don't want to bring a child into this world, when I know I can't provide the life he or she deserves.

I left and maybe I shouldn't have left angry. But I did, I stopped by the drug store, got some pain medicine, watched the lady at the counter give me a look of disgust, like I was a junkie. I went back to the dorm, took my pill and took a nap. When I woke up I wasn't feeling my best. I went to the bathroom, threw up, laid back down.

Ceci: AP you okay?

Ace: Not really

Ceci: What's wrong?

Ace: Bubba's grandparents left, so I spent the night. We did the nasty this morning and he didn't pull out. I can't take a plan b cause it would cancel out my IUD. And my head hurts like hell.

Ceci: And now it's kicking your ass

Ace: Something like that.

Ceci: Let me know if I need to get you to a hospital

Ace: I will

I rolled over and tried going back to sleep. It did not work out the way I imagined it would. I woke up and threw up, my plan was to tough it out. But Ceci thought it was best to go to the hospital. So we did. They asked me all the questions.

Doctor: Are you sexually active?

Ace: Yes

Doctor: Do you have more than one sexual partner?

Ace: No

The questions just got more intense, do you drink, do drugs, are you using protections. Turns out I just had a severe case of the flu. My mom came and got me and I spent the next week in my room. Ceci sent all my work and Max texted me.

Max: Lovebug I'm sorry
Max: Please respond
Max: I know you need space, so I'll see you in class
Max: You didn't show up today I hope you're okay

I wasn't answering the phone among other things. But my concern was to get better and worry about him later. When I got back to school it seemed like everyone knew I was missing. I checked in on Ms.Fisher.

Ms.Fisher: Thank God you're back

She hugged me

Ace: What happened?

Ms.Fisher: Professor Monroe has been MIA for three days

Ace: Is he okay?

Don't show fear

Ms.Fisher: I'm not sure but I haven't had time to go check on him. Is there any way you could check on him for me?

Ace: Sure

She wrote down his address and her phone number. I ran around campus dropping off my assignments. I got in my car and drove to his house. His car was in the driveway.

That's a good sign right

I knocked on the door but it was open.

Ace: Max? Are you home?

I carefully walked around and found him on the floor of the red room

Ace: Max?

He was knocked out. I checked his pulse and thank goodness he wasn't dead. I woke him up gently.

Ace: Hey, are you okay?

Max: You're here?

He pulled away from me.

Max: Where the hell have you been?

Ace: Can I take care of you before you yell at me?

I helped him up and got him to the bathroom. And in the tub. I stripped him and washed him then got him dressed and fed.

Max: So what happened? You ghosted me for a week?

Ace: I should've texted, and I'm sorry I didn't. But in my defense I had a severe case of the flu and I couldn't look at my phone without getting a headache. If I had texted you, you would've insisted I stay with you and If I got you sick I would've never forgiven myself.

Max: You walked away from me, from us for a week

Ace: You pushed me away. You know how I feel about my education and establishing my life... Our life before we bring children into this world.

Max: So you ignored me for a week

Ace: I was sick, after our fight I wasn't feeling my best. Ceci took me to the hospital, I went home with my mom, and did my homework when my headache wasn't too bad.

Max: How are you feeling?

Ace: I should be asking you that

Max: Lovebug

Ace: I'm fine, I get the flu once a year. It's normal for me. But this isn't you Bubba.

Max: What isn't me?

Ace: Bubba, I found you on the floor. Knocked out... I was worried you were dead

Max: I thought

Ace: I know what you thought, but if you assume we're breaking up every time we get a small argument...

Max: I don't

Ace: Do you trust me?

Max: You know I do

Ace: Then get this through your thick skull right here and right now. I love you and I plan on being your wife someday. But if this whatever it might be continues. I'll drop your ass in a heartbeat. So don't make me

I kissed his cheek

Max: I'm sorry, Lovebug.

Ace: You better be

Max: Come here

Ace: Hold on, I've got to call Ms.Fisher she sent me to find you. 

I called her

Ace: Hey Ms.Fisher, this is Ace Phillips

Ms.Fisher: Did you find him? Is he okay?

Ace: He's fine, he was just sick.  I'm gonna run out and get him some of my mother's soup and he should be good as new.

Ms.Fisher: Oh thank goodness. Have him call me when he's feeling up to it.

Ace: I will.

I hung up and walked over to Max. 

Max: What'd she say?

Ace: She just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Max: I'm fine

Ace: You are now

Max: I'll never assume anything ever again

Ace: Mhmm

Max: Look at me

He put his hand on my face

Max: I swear

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