ch 4; Back in school

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Louis's heart pounds faster when he enters the school ground dressed in his school uniform. A newly bought school uniform since his old one was thrown away somewhere in the black market.
It feels as he hasn't been at school in a long time.
It's both nervous and excited to get back to his normal life.
    The schoolers in the corridors are shouting happily when they notice him. They starts calling after him.
Louis snorts smiling and keeps walking without letting someone taking his attention more than a briefly second.
His focus isn't broken until he overheard a conversation.
"Hi Pina... How have your new year been?" A female sheep asks a white Dall sheep with big horns and two beautiful blue eyes.
The male sheep laughs.
"Nothing special actually... How have yours been...ehm... Rebecca?" Pina asks unsure and rub his backhead with his palm.
Louis stops walking and is eyeing Pina. Wondering if this is the same animal Legoshi talked about and run after some days ago.
The deer grits his teeth jealousy at the same time when the female sheep looks down on the floor while she seems boiling of anger.
Pina tilts his head and is examining the girl in front him.
"Ehm... Something wrong Rebecca?"
The girl flinches and looks angrily at him.
"Rebecca is my...My sister... I'm Nelly..." she tells him.
"Uh-oh..." Pina wides his eyes terrified of his mistake.
But he realised his mistake too late and the girl slapped him.
"Ouch..." Pina makes a grimace of getting his cheek slapped.
The girl snorts and stomps away.

Louis exhales a slightly relieved.
Even if this is the same Pina, would Legoshi never date him.
Legoshi is loyal and would never choose a playboy as Pina.
At first was Louis relieved but soon he stiff.
Legoshi has been chasing the school's famous slut; Haru the white rabbit.
Perhaps isn't Legoshi against Pina either?!
The thought bothers Louis.
Pina is really handsome. Even Louis can admit that.
What if Legoshi actually wants him instead Louis?!
Louis gulps and starts moving forward with unnatural movements.
Pina gives him an asking look from the side since he is pretty sure Louis has seen the scene with the female sheep.

The deer keeps moving forward without paying attention there he walks.
The animals moves to the sides when he is coming.
But there is one animal who isn't stepping aside.
Louis grunts shocked when his face smashes into someone's back.
"Watch out where you are walking..." Louis snorts and stares bothered at the gray, large carnivore who starts turning around.
The deer knows deep inside it was actually his own fault to collide with the other animal. But he was too stubborn and angry right now to admit that.
He gasps surprised when he sees the Wolf who has turned around is Legoshi.
"I'm sorry..." Legoshi says and isn't looking at Louis when he rubs his backhead.
It takes some seconds before Legoshi understands who he spoke with.
The Wolf wides his eyes and opens his mouth surprised when he stares at Louis.
The deer clears his throat.
"I'm back..."
Legoshi inhales deeply and his tail starts wagging happily.
Louis's glances down at Legoshi's tail and feels how his heart pounds faster.
Louis starts blushing.
"I'm sorry I walked into you..." the deer apologies.
"No no..." Legoshi shakes his hands and head.
"Uhm...I'm the one who stood in your way... I should have'd noticed you by your scent..." he adds.
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"You know that sounds kind of creepy?" He smirks.
"Huh?" Legoshi tilts his head asking.
"It does?" He adds and scratches himself behind his ear.
Louis looks asking at Legoshi's hand when he scratches behind his ear.
He would like to scratch Legoshi behind his ear and see how the Wolf starts enjoying it.
The deer has read canines loves getting scratched, especially behind their ears.
      Louis jolts and starts making plans in his head.
Perhaps he should approaching Legoshi by doing things canines usually likes to do.
Scratching behind his ears would feel to intimate and too early in their relationship.
But throwing a branch to let Legoshi to catch or get, is perhaps the perfect start of their dating?
The big question is; is Legoshi okay with dating males? Or is Louis fantasies already over before they have started?!

The school bell starts ringing to tell everyone their classes are about to start.
The Wolf flinches and looks asking backward over his shoulder.
"Ehm You know...The bell just rung..." Legoshi says and looks pretty disappointed by not getting more time with Louis.
Louis looks confused at him as he hasn't heard either him or the bell.
"See you later..." Legoshi waves and starts turning around.
Louis inhales sharply and moves forward against the Wolf.
The deer reaches out his hand and grabbed Legoshi's tail.
"Wait..." he begs.
Legoshi wides his eyes shocked of getting his tail grabbed.
The Wolf starts blushing a slightly.
Louis understands his mistake and let's go of Legoshi's tail and clears his throat.
"I-... I have a new phone and number... I want you to have my contact information...And ...I want yours..." he blushes and looks away.
Legoshi stares blankly at him as he needs some time to understand what he just heard. Then his tail starts wagging a little again.
"Of...Of course..." Legoshi says in hurry and starts searching after his own phone in his pockets.
The Wolf takes up his phone and they both starts sharing their contact information with each others.

Louis sits down on the school desk with a book opened in front him.
The teacher is talking about something.
The deer isn't sure if they have history or math right now.
His thoughts aren't in school at all.
He leans on his palm and looks out through the window.
No, his mind is on the opened field there he is throwing a branch and Legoshi is fetching it. Wagging with his tail when he comes back with the branch to Louis.
Perhaps he should be brave enough and ask Legoshi if he wants to keep him company today?!

"Louis-senpai... Louis-senpai..." a girl starts saying.
Louis jolts and sits upright.
Then he looks asking at an angora goat he knows very well. Okay, not that well as he sees her as a friend.
Els giggles when she understands Louis have'd been somewhere far away in his mind.
"Els?..." he exhales and looks asking at her and then around in the almost empty room. The class seems over and the schoolers are leaving the classroom.
Els starts examining Louis by tilting her head a slightly from one side to another.
"Louis-senpai... I want to ask you..." she starts saying.
"Hm?" Louis looks back at her and tilts his head asking.
She exhales smiling.
"Do you want to come back to our group? We really miss you at the rehearsals..."
"I-..." Louis starts thinking back at his time on the stage. Does he really want to get back?
Els shrugs.
"We will soon have a meeting... You're welcome if you want to join us" she adds before she waves.
"See you later" she giggles and starts leaving.
"Bye..." Louis says and tilts his head down and grabs his chin. He starts humming thoughtfully.
Since Legoshi is part of the theater group, won't he be able to walk somewhere right now.
Louis furrows his eyebrows and hums louder.
"Fuck..." he snorts and stands up in hurry.
Perhaps he should reconsider and get back to the stage? In that way he will at least meet Legoshi naturally and get closer to him.
Louis starts walking out from the classroom and heads to the room there he has spent most time during his school life.

Louis swings the door opened.
The circle of animals turn around, gasping surprised of seeing him back.
The deer inhales.
"I'm back..." he smiles.
Most of the animals shouts happily while they are approaching him.
"I'm happy you are back and without wounds..." Bill says happily.
Louis nods and tries looking over the tiger's shoulder.
He sees how Legoshi stands with a broom in his hand.
The wolf's tail starts wagging a little.
Louis starts smiling widely until he sees Pina moving to Legoshi.
The deer wides his eyes shocked.
Then he narrows his eyes jealousy. Who does this playboy think he is?
Louis jolts when Els suddenly grabs his sleeve to get his attention.
"Hm?" He turns his face against her.
She smiles gently and happily.
"So... You are deciding to join us?"
Louis raises an eyebrow and looks back at Legoshi and Pina.
These two seem talking about something since Legoshi is looking at the white dall sheep while Pina is laughing about something.
Louis tries stopping himself from pouting and looks determined at her.
"Yes... I will join you again... Letting you and the audience using my strength as before" he says and looks around.
Cheerful faces look back at him.
Louis chuckles silently.
No way he will let someone else stealing Legoshi from him.
He will win against Pina both on stage and in the war of getting Legoshi's heart and love.
If he has survived in a group of lions he won't lose to a white dall sheep. No way. Let's the best animal win.

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