ch 41; a new animal to protect

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Right now-... He hates himself.
Not only did he lost Haru due death ... He also lost Louis in a way.
Simply 'cause he isn't good enough... Not strong enough.
If his mind was strong enough, he wouldn't let Haru's death affect his judgment.
If he mentally would be strong, he wouldn't hesitate to save Louis from the building where the animals kept him.
So-... Due his weakness... He has now lost two animals he respected and loved with his whole heart.

Legoshi sighs while walking along the streets around the black market.
Right now-... He doesn't deserve being around Louis... And he might not be strong enough to see his face in the closest future... Therefore he has spent the next last days at Gohin's place. And not at the school.
Sometimes he helps the panda to catch new victims to the lack of control of their hunger for meat.
And sometimes he only pass time by walking around with his thoughts as the only company.
But those things aren't enough-... It doesn't help him to find whom he is... And his purpose of life.
For many months now... He thought his purpose was to stand up for herbivores and be their knight... Now he doesn't now.
Would he really deserve being the knight, when he randomly can drop the sword and walk out from the fight?!

A curtain starts falling over the town, and the sky gets darker for each moment.
The few herbivores around the area, start swiftly moving back home to safety. Or at least to the centrum of the town where they would be safe from hungry beast around the black market.

Legoshi shoves the hands into the pockets of the school pants, and walks forward with long steps and the upper body tilted a slightly down.
The dusk doesn't bother him... Even though he isn't mentally himself... He is still a huge wolf with hybrid blood, and a strong one as well.
So-... He doesn't needs to be afraid for the 'monsters' around here.

" Fuck-... If you got yourself harmed-... You could at least got devoured as well..." a harsh male voice says from a narrow alleyway.

Legoshi's ears perked up while walking.

"... What are we supposed to do with a harmed deer?-... No way you can be a model anymore... You are useless now..." the same voice says.

The gray wolf halted the steps and stops walking where he stands upright while carefully listening on the conversation.
The heart starts pounding a bit faster... Since he gets a weird feeling about this.

"... I can still get my photos taken-... But with a shirt on... I'm sure they are still interested due I am still one of the most handsome male deer they have..." a familiar voice protests.

Legoshi stiffened where the heart skips a beat.
That voice...
He tilts the head up, and inhales deeply through the nose. Picking up the animals' scent.
It seems being around three wolves-... And one deer... Not only that-... The deer is... YURI!
Legoshi flinches with a gasp.

" ... Despite you might have right-... I don't think those photos would pay the same amount of money as nude pictures would... Therefore I vote you are out... And we either sell your meat for a lot of money... Or we are enjoying you ourselves..." The same wolf as before says.

Another voice laughs.

" I vote for eating him ourselves-... His thighs look so delicious-... I have been drooling for them for a long while now..." a second wolf says.

The third wolf grunts.
" Idiots-... And when he is dead?-... Then what?!"

" ... How about his pathetic mother?" The first wolf suggests.

"WAIT!-..." Yuri protests.
"...- You swore you would never lay a finger on her... I am actually paying off my father's debt to keep her safe..."

The three wolves laugh.
"... And for what?" The first wolf asks.
" Yeah-... You loser to father was found drunk, and dead in an alley..." The second wolf adds.
"... And now your mother is depressed due she lost one child, 'Cause of your father... And her second child is selling himself as whore... For what?-... To protect the parents whose life isn't worth to live..." The third wolf adds.

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