part two; le-GOSH-i

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They were almost not looking at each other when they were eating.
And it was mostly the cutlery cutting the food who made any sound at all.
At first Louis thought his father invited him to talk about his relationship with Ibuki. But now he isn't even sure. His father hasn't mentioned Ibuki at all.
Ogma sighs and puts the cutlery gently down before he looks at Louis.
"So... Not only did you threatened me with a gun pointed at me... " he starts saying and make Louis to flinch alert.
Ogma smirks a little when he sees how Louis stares terrified at him.
"But you also shamelessly used my money and bought a new phone there you didn't even care to give me your new number... And you are behaving as you don't want to be here with me... So Louis... How come you are spending my money at things when you can't respect me?"
Louis gulps.
How is he supposed to answer that?
"I-... I needed a phone" he explains
"... For school..." Louis adds lying.
Ogma raises an eyebrow.
"Why did you need that for?"
Louis clears his throat nervously.
" Because..." he starts saying while he tries thinking about an explanation Ogma could believe.
" The members at drama club need to get immediately contact with me when they need help for the play we are currently working on..." he lies.
Ogma looks doubtfully at him.
"Alright then... As long you aren't neglecting your school work and dropping your grades..." Ogma sighs and takes the glass up and starts drinking wine.
"I don't mind if your are spending meaningless time with playing around during your school time..." he adds.
The corner of Louis's lips jerked and he tighter the grip of his cutlery. He hates how his father is looking down at him. How being a part of theater isn't good enough.
"I have spoke with my friend... And I have good news..." Ogma tells him.
Louis tilts his head confused.
"Your engagement with his daughter isn't cancelled despite your lately behavior..."
Louis narrows his eyes and stands hastily up with his hands slammed on the table.
"NO!..." he shouts.
Ogma exhales surprised without flinching an inch.
Louis starts shaking of anger and from snapping out from his temporary outburst.
"I-...I..." Louis stutters.
Come on! Just tell him you can't marry someone you don't love... That, you are inlove with someone else...
Louis clears his throat and exhales deeply while his father is eyeing him curiously.
"I'm sorry..." Louis apologies and sits back down on his seat.
Ogma snorts.
"If you don't have anything important to say, then stay silent and eat up..."
"Yes, father..."

Louis sat silently in the limousine when Aaron is driving him home.
Lucky him, his father had other things to do than keeping him company.
The deer sighs and glances out through the window when his eyes suddenly spotted Legoshi, carrying boxes from a truck.
Louis inhales gasping and sits flinching up.
" Please, stop the car..." Louis begs and gasps surprised when Aaron hitted the brake and the car stopped moving forward.
The mandrill looks asking through the car mirror at Louis.
" Do you have some errands, sir?"
"Yeah... You can drop me off here and get back to my father... I will get back home on my own...Thanks for the drive..." Louis says while he's hurrying out from the car.
"Anything for you sir..."
Louis looks around on the road and makes sure there aren't cars when he is crossing the road.

The deer is jogging against Legoshi and pants smiling when he is closing in.
"Legoshi!" He exhales.
The wolf with a box in his arms whose sleeves are rolled up on his light blue shirt, jolts surprised.
"Louis-senpai?!" He gasps while his ears twitched.
Louis stops moving forward when he stands about a meter in front Legoshi.
The deer's chest moves outwardly and inwardly swiftly while he tries catching up his breath.
"Wh-..." he starts asking.
Legoshi raises an eyebrow.
"Why are you here Louis-senpai?"
Louis blinks surprised before he starts laughing.
"Heh-... That's my question... I've had been at my father's place and ate dinner ... Now, I were about to get back home to my new place when I suddenly saw you...So... Why are you here? ...Moving those boxes?" Louis answers and waves his hand asking against the truck there piles of boxes are inside the car.
Legoshi shrugs.
" I have got a temporary part-time job... I'm helping others to move... " he explains.
Louis exhales surprised.
"Wow... You really have your hands full... At first you saved Haru... Then you tried getting me back to school while you tried finding Tem's murderer...And now...Now you are working like an adult" Louis smiles.
"I'm impressed..." he adds.
"Eh ...ehm..." Legoshi starts fidgeting while he clears his throat.
Louis glances curiously at the truck.
"I never knew you've had driver license..."
"I don't..."
"Huh?" Louis jolts surprised and looks asking at Legoshi.
"You don't? But how did you...Don't tell me you drove the truck illegal..." Louis chuckles nervously.
Legoshi shakes his head.
"No no... It's Yasu who is driving the truck... I think the lazy crocodile is sitting with miss Brown right now and drinks coffee with her..." Legoshi explains and glances at the house he is carrying the boxes into.
Louis nods.
"Good... It would be awful if you got arrested for illegal driving..."
Louis inhales deeply.
"Do-..." he starts blushing.
"Do you want to take a coffee when your shift is over?" Louis gulps.
Legoshi's tail starts wagging.
"If...If you want...So, yeah...ehm..." Legoshi blushes.
Louis nods.
"Of course I want, otherwise I wouldn't suggest it, you silly dog"

Louis tried helping Legoshi by grabbing the boxes in the truck and hand them over to him.
It did work until he found boxes who seems containing books or other heavy stuff.
"Gah-..." Louis starts shaking from the weight and grits his teeth.
But despite his efforts he only managed to lift the box about three-five centrimeters.
"Ehm...Do... Do you need my help?" Legoshi asks and rub his backhead.
"I'm fine..." Louis exhales and doesn't want to admit he is weak.
The deer tries turning around with bended legs while he holds the box just a slightly from the floor.
The sweat is glistening on his forehead.
Legoshi sighs silently. He would love to help Louis, but he is also afraid Louis would be disappointed if he doesn't finish the task on his own.
Legoshi reaches his arms out against Louis when he finally came with the box to him.
The wolf grabs the box and carries it without any problem.
Legoshi starts eyeing Louis worried when the deer is panting hardly.
Louis clears his throat and starts turning around there he is about to grab another box.
Legoshi jolts.
Louis flinches and looks asking at Legoshi.
"W-...hah...Why ...N-not...?" Louis pants.
Legoshi part his lips. How will he get Louis stop working without it sounds as he thinks Louis is weak?
Louis raises a brow.
The wolf clears his throat.
"I-... I don't get paid per house... I'm getting paid for each hour... And... I... I really need money...So...Let me take the remaining boxes without your help..." he mumbles and looks away from Louis.
Louis blinks surprised.
"But I can p-..." he starts saying when he inhales deeply of realizing he got the perfect opportunity to give up without being seen as weak.
"Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't realize that... Then, I will take a break and let you work alone" Louis smiles exhausted and sits down on the edge of the truck there the backdoors are opened.
Legoshi nods relieved.
"T-thanks..." he says before he starts working again.

They're strolling the city after Legoshi had finished his work.
Louis is looking happily at the wolf who is walking next him.
"Ehm... How are things going with...H-haru?" He asks since he can't keep pretending she doesn't exist. He would rather knowing things are perfect right now than believing he has a chance with him.
The wolf's ears dropped sadly.
"I-..." he sighs.
" ....Don't know..."
Louis tilts his head.
"You don't know?"
Legoshi takes his hands into the pockets on his trousers.
"We haven't spoken since...ehm... Weeks back... And things weren't even great at that time... Everything became awkward from that day there she tried jumping in my mouth when we tried having ....Ehm... You know..." Legoshi blushes.
Louis wides his eyes shocked.
"Oh... Then... You are technically not together, right?"
Legoshi shrugs and looks away up against random rooftops of some apartments.
Louis leans against Legoshi there he grabs his arm.
The wolf jolts and stares shocked at him.
The deer smiles gently at him.
"You know... If you are staying in the past, you will lose your future...Your now... Right now, you are living in your fantasy world with Haru...Where you almost are losing your future...The things who happens now..."
Legoshi stiffen and breathes nervously while they are walking.
"W-what ehm...Do you M-mean?"
Louis grins.
"If it isn't obvious then I have to spill it out... I love you, you stupid dog..."

For a moment it was as everything wasn't moving. It was breathless and the sound of cars were gone.
Even Legoshi stood still with widened eyes.
Louis glances curiously and nervously at the wolf whose heart is racing as crazy.
"Legoshi?..." Louis asks softly.
The wolf's tail and ears started pricking up immediately of hearing his name.
Louis gasps surprised of Legoshi's sudden reaction and lost his grasp of Legoshi's arm.
Legoshi stares terrified at him while his ears pinned backwards down.
" I-... I ehm...Sorry Louis-senpai..." Legoshi bows a little before he starts dashing away in hurry.
Louis inhales sharply.
"LEGOSHI..." he shouts after him and tries getting his own legs to run after him. But they couldn't move forward. It was as they were glued to the ground.
Louis sees how Legoshi disappears further and further away. Soon his silhouette gets blurry.
When Louis tasted something salty and wet on his lips, he understood he was crying. And that's the reason his view got blurry.
He flinched surprised and start wiping the tears away.
"Heh-... What could I expect when it came to him?... First of all... We are both males....Second... We aren't even same species and he is carnivore while I'm herbivore...And third... No way that stupid-... loyal dog would dump..." Louis tilts his head down with his gaze at the street.
He swallows hardly a few times and furrows his eyebrows.
Perhaps it was for the better. That, Legoshi dumped him before they became a couple. Now he can at least do as his father wants him to do.
Marrying a woman he doesn't love.
    With lingering steps he walks home. Maybe he is the stupid one, and not Legoshi...

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