ch 22; the surprise outside the window

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The bad conscience is literally devouring Louis from inside out.
The feeling of time-timing both Legoshi and Pina keeps him awake at nights.
He really needs to choose one of them. For real! And then let the other go.
Which is very hard.
How is he supposed to choose one? What if he makes a mistake and picks the wrong animal?!

Louis's eyelids fell heavily down and he leans forward on the seat at the breakfast table.
Few seconds later he jolts upright and inhales sharply while he wides his eyes.
Ibuki raises an eyebrow and starts eyeing him worried.
"Couldn't you sleep during the night again?" Ibuki asks while he is munching on his egg sandwich.
Louis shakes his head while he is shivering from the cold you usually feel when you are very tired.
Ibuki sighs.
"If something is really bothering you, you should talk about it... You won't feel any better if you don't care about your problems" Ibuki says softly while Louis's eyelids slowly start falling down despite his attempts to stay awake.
Louis flinches and shakes with his body a little to keep awake.
"I-...Can't ... Not right now at least..." Louis apologies and can't get any thought straight right now. It feels as his head is filled with cement who is moving heavily around. Clouding everything else.
Ibuki shoots another look at Louis.
"...I want you to stay home from school today..." he decides and eats the last piece of the sandwich.
Louis gasps jolting.
"WHAT?!... I can't stay home from school! I'm not sick!" He shouts with racing heart and feels a slightly more awake.
Ibuki shakes his head.
"In your state you will probably pass out in school... And I don't want that to happen"
Louis drops his jaw.
"B-but..." he protests.
Ibuki smiles gently at him and stands up from the chair.
"No Louis...There aren't any but... You will stay at home and get some sleep...Then you will hopefully tell me later, what's bothering you" the lion says and grabbed Louis under his arm to pull him gently up.
Louis whines a little while he stood up and during the walk to his bedroom.
But the moment he lays down on the bed there Ibuki tucked him in, he relaxed.
"I will stay with you until you have fall asleep before I'll head out..." Ibuki tells him and strokes with his hand from Louis's forehead down to his cheek.
"Mm..." Louis answers with closed eyes and was already half asleep.
It seems having Ibuki with him makes him forgetting his worries. And the sleep came within a few seconds.
When Louis snores lightly walks Ibuki out from the bedroom with a smile.
But the worries about Louis keeps pounding in the backhead.

The sound of someone knocking at glass nearby, makes Louis to twist grunting on the bed.
Louis inhales gasping and sits up with increased heartbeats.
He blinks confused.
A gently knock on the window in his room makes him to jolt and look asking at the window there Legoshi clings onto the tree outside.
Legoshi chuckles nervously when he notices Louis is staring at him in shock.
"Ehm...Can...Can I come in?" Legoshi asks blushing.
Louis gasps and shift on the bed there he stands up.
The deer walks to the window and leans over the desk to unlock the window and open it.
"Hi-..." Louis exhales still very surprised.
This must be a dream, right? There are no way Legoshi climbed the tree just to knock on my window... I must have worked too much with the play at school... It's like Legoshi is playing the role as Romeo right now...

Legoshi smiles shyly at him while he climbed into the room while Louis took a few steps backward.
"Ehm-... Are you sick? You don't look sick..." Legoshi blushes and clears his throat and stands close in front Louis who can't stop staring at him.
Louis flinches.
Legoshi shrugs.
"Yeah-... You didn't came to school... So, I got worried and left school by lunch..."
Louis furrows his eyebrows chuckling.
"What? Did you skipped school to check me?" Louis asks curiously while his heart pounds happily.
The wolf nods.
"Eh...Yeah... You usually don't skip school despite you aren't feeling very well...So... I thought something really bad had happened with you " Legoshi gulps.
Louis places his hands on Legoshi's cheeks and looks seriously and happily into his eyes.
Legoshi hums asking and looks into Louis's eyes as well.
Louis grins.
"You have nothing to worry about... I'm not sick...I've only had a few bad nights with lack of sleep...So, Ibuki commanded me to stay at home and get some sleep...Which I did...And now I feel very good again...But thank you Legoshi to worry about my well-being " Louis smiles.
"Good...I'm glad to hear that" Legoshi says while his tail is wagging.
Louis's heart pounds faster. Perhaps he is only confused about Pina since Legoshi and he hasn't kissed yet.
Maybe is Louis's body screaming after body contact since it has been like forever since he had sex with Haru. Which ended up as  half attempts since he never managed to stay hard during the whole time in the bed with her.
So, perhaps he is only lusting Pina since his body knows the dall sheep would have sex with him anytime?

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