ch 9; foggy mind

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The lizard at the bar is looking doubtfully at Louis who just requested another refill.
"I'm not sure sir... If I should give you more to drink..." the lizard tells him while he is cleaning a glass with a cloth.
Louis glares frustrated at the male and leans forward on his seat.
"Wha-t..." he starts saying and made a short hiccup.
"Ar-ee...Y-you sayin-g...?" He adds hiccuping and clench his hand irritated. His drink is since long drunk and he wants more. The memories of Legoshi and Pina aren't vanished yet. They aren't as painful anymore, but they still pop up in his foggy mind from time to time.
Which is a sign he needs more to drink.
The lizard shakes his head.
"You are drunk..."
Louis pouts while he sits upright.
"I'm....N-ot..." he answers hiccuping while Bill approached him from behind and placed an arm around his shoulders. Holding a beer in his other hand.
"Sir... My friend isn't drunk... He just drank too fast...That's why he hiccups..." Bill smirks and seems more collected than Louis. The only obvious signs Bill is drunk is; he has a small blush on his cheeks and... That he isn't walking completely straight. Instead he is stumbling a little from side to side when he tries walking.
The lizard sighs deeply and puts away the cloth and the glass.
"Alright then... But this is the last drink for him... Then I won't give him more..." the lizard warns them and takes up a bottle he opens and uses to fill Louis glass with.
Louis smiles gratefully at Bill when the lizard walks away to the other side of the bar to take another animal's order.
"Thanks..." Louis says and takes up the glass with something golden brown liquid in.
Bill grins and takes some sips from the silver can he holds.
"You are welcome... Let's dance when we have finished these..."
Louis raises an asking eyebrow.
"Dance?" He asks with his lips near the glass.
Bill chuckles and seems getting redder.
"Y-yeah... They have music... And other animals are dancing... So, why not?" The tiger shrugs shyly and takes his arm away from Louis and sits down on the bar stool next Louis's.
Louis hums thoughtfully and looks asking at the blurry silhouette of himself in the alcohol.
Perhaps having a dance with Bill will make him to forget Legoshi and Pina's date?
"Huh?" Bill jolts and looks asking at him as he wasn't sure if he really heard correct.
Louis drinks the alcohol up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Let's d-ance..." he hiccups and stands up there he flashes a childish innocent smile at Bill who stands clumsy up.
"Ah....Y-yeah..." Bill answers and let's his almost drunken beer left at the bar.

They both stumbles out to the dance floor there animals are moving after the rhythm. At least they tries. But they look more like jumping monkeys than dancers.
Louis giggles as drunk he was.
The music goes pretty fast and something you would usually 'jump around with your arms waving in the air while you tries shaking your butt after the rhythm'. But Bill places his big hands on Louis slim waist and starts moving around slowly, as they were about to dance a real dance. And not the made up dance you do at disco at young age.
Louis looks asking at him and places his hands unsure at Bill's broad shoulders. Trying to follow his lead by dancing in same pattern as him.
The dance felt sensual and it was like their hands were stroking gently and asking at the other's body. As they were asking if they were allowed to keep going.
Louis tilts his chin up and notices how serious Bill is looking down at him.
Somehow their lips searched after each others and clasps.
Louis has no idea if the kiss was a mistake. Since it only last a few seconds before it ended.
Then Louis suddenly leans forward at Bill and starts laughing against his shoulder.
Bill stops dancing and raises an asking eyebrow.
"What?" He asks.
Louis keeps chuckling.
"Y-you know... W-we, heh-... Are dancing slowly while others don't..." Louis points out laughing.
Bill exhales relieved and starts snickering as well.
" It seems you have right..." he blushes and looks around with a happy face from the moment they just shared.
The deer leans away from him.
Then Louis starts examining Bill's flushed face.
"You have a pretty face..." he tells Bill out of nowhere. The comment came out from his mouth without getting a chance to pass his mind first.
Bill gasps and wides his eyes while they are moving back to Louis's face.
"Ah- eh... You look great too..." Bill says nervously.
The tiger clears his throat.
"Wanna dance more?"
Louis furrows his eyebrows and feels how his stomach starts feeling a slightly upside-down.
"Nah... I'm not feeling...great..." he admits and starts feeling seasick.
"Perhaps we should leave instead..." he adds.
Bill nods slowly and feels a little disappointed.

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