ch 8; more misunderstandings

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Some days have passed by since that day Louis saw Legoshi and Pina together there the Wolf told Pina how cute he is. It's almost a week since then.
Louis is staring at the wall, laying in the bed with the duvet almost covering his whole body. It's only his face and antlers who aren't covered.
When the door creaks slowly opened, he starts shivering as he suddenly started freezing.
Ibuki sighs when he sees Louis is still in the bed.
"You know..." he says and entered the room.
"You can't keep sulking... It's time to leave the pupa and test your wings..." he adds and sits down on the bed beside Louis's back.
Louis shuts his eyes closed and feels how his dried eyes start tearing up. He thought his eyes were out of tears by now. But it seems he was wrong. They have still some tears to drip.
Ibuki places a hand on the duvet there he thinks Louis's shoulder is.
"Are you still mad at...Pita or what his name is?..."
Louis starts chuckling a slightly without any reason actually. He just found the name; Pita, as hilarious. A silly mistake who made him to laugh a bit.
Ibuki smiles and rub his hand on the duvet.
"His name is Pina... But...Pita sounds funny... Let's call him that... " Louis smiles and wipes away a few tears who escaped during his laughter.
Ibuki laughs shortly.
"Okay... Please tell me... Is it Pita you are upset over?"
The corners of Louis's lips jerked a slightly upward before they dropped down again, giving him a stern expression.
" Sort of... I passed them by mistake..."
Louis gulps.
"... Legoshi and Pina... Pina had dressed himself up for Legoshi... He-... He had putted on a skirt which... Made Legoshi happy... He-..." Louis inhales sniffing and feels how more tears are pushing in the corners of his eyes. Trying to escape as the others.
"He told Pina how cute he was..." Louis forces himself to say which came out in lower voice than he intended to. The voice carried the pain he feels inside, making his whole body to ache.
Louis breathes heavily some times before he clears his throat.
"Then...Pina thrown himself over L-l.....Legoshi ...." Louis sobs shortly after he said that. Trembling below the duvet.
Ibuki looks pitying at the duvet. He would do anything to make Louis happy again. Taking the pain away from him. But he can't.
It's up to Louis to recover from the pain his love for Legoshi gives him. Ibuki can only work as support and be by Louis's side and listen on him.
"They are dating..." Louis cries and cover his eyes with his hands.
Ibuki raises an eyebrow.
"And you are sure about that? Or you are just assuming because you think you have seen or heard something?"
The words reached Louis's mind slowly and the deer stiffen inhaling.
Did he actually saw the truth? Or just a part of a lie?
"I know this make me sound old but... Sometimes, people in your age are assuming things by getting just a small piece of the big picture... Like when Kai tells you that Maya has said you were ugly behind your back, and you start believing Kai without asking Maya her side of the situation..."
Louis starts shifting in the bed to sit up.
Ibuki moves away a slightly to give Louis some space.
"So..." Louis looks asking at him while his hands rub his eyes to get ride of those annoying tears.
"You are telling me to ask Legoshi if he is dating or liking Pina before I assume my chances are gone?"
Ibuki nods.
"Exactly!... And even if he is dating someone else... There are still many fishes in the sea... Your mate is waiting on you, somewhere in the world"
Louis smiles exhausted.
Ibuki shrugs.
"I haven't really done anything..." he says before he feels Louis leaning against him and is embracing him.
"Of course you have..." Louis says with a low and soft voice.

Louis stares pissed at the black screen of his phone.
It's annoying how the battery discharges even though you aren't using the cell phone.
The battery can be fully charged when you're leaving the phone alone the whole day and then the battery is almost discharged later that day. Even though no one had even touched the phone.
     He just wanted to send a quick text to Legoshi. Or perhaps being brave enough and call him.
But no, first he needs to charge the damn phone.
Meanwhile the battery is getting charged, he takes his chance and takes a shower.

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