ch 20; An accidental double date

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They were walking on the streets in the city.
Legoshi has his hands into the pockets of his pants while he shyly stares down at the ground.
While Louis is eyeing through the windows to each store they are passing.
"Oh..." Louis jolts and turns his face against Legoshi who looks asking at him.
"I forgot to ask..." Louis starts saying while his eyes are looking at Legoshi's fur there the wind is blowing through and ruffled his fur by his head.
How the fur moves with the wind makes Louis wanting to touch it. Running his hand through Legoshi's fur who looks extra soft right now in this beautiful spring day.
Legoshi raises an eyebrow.
The deer inhales deeply.
"How come you ran away the moment I told you my feelings? It's...It's kind of confusing" Louis exhales.
At first, Legoshi looks confused but slowly he narrows his eyes and inhales sharply.
"I-...I don't know..." Legoshi shrinks sighing.
"You don't know why you ran away?" Louis tilts his head.
The wolf shrugs.
"I got scared...Then I got ashamed that, I had Haru and knew...It was you I'd always wanted... I don't know..." he sighs.
Louis smiles.
"It's fine... I'm sorry I came out of nowhere and startled you with my feelings..." the deer says and offer his hand to Legoshi.
The wolf starts eyeing his face then his hand.
" I-...I'm happy you did..." Legoshi says and grabbed Louis's hand with a goofy smile.
Louis smiles back and notices how Legoshi's tail starts wagging happily.
"Are you hungry?" Louis asks curiously.
Legoshi nods excited.
"Yup! And you?"
Louis chuckles.
"I'm hungry as a wolf..."
Legoshi tilts his head confused.
"How? You are a deer not a wolf..."
Louis rolls his eyes.
"It's only a way to say when you are really hungry... Like a joke..."
Legoshi looks even more confused and starts grunting humming.
Then he inhales deeply and seems as he is about to laugh.
Louis snorts.
"You don't have to laugh if you don't get the joke..." he smiles and sees how Legoshi exhales.
"Good" the wolf smiles gently and a bit relieved.
Then Legoshi starts humming thoughtfully while he is looking around.
"Where will we have lunch?" He asks with his bended index finger under his chin.
Louis smiles and embraces Legoshi's hand tighter for a short moment.
"I know a good place there Ibuki used to take me when we wanted alone time from the gang... Maybe we can eat there?" He suggests.
The wolf's eyes moved down to their connected hands and he exhales blushing. Then he looks up into Louis's warm eyes who are looking loving into his.
"Okay, as long they have good food I'm in" Legoshi snickers.
Louis chuckles and starts leading him the way.
The few animals they're passing while they held hands, are either not noticing them or looking disturbed at them. As they couldn't believe their eyes that, a deer and a wolf are holding hands. And not only that; they are both males!

Louis opened the door who made a jingling sound the moment he entered the restaurant with a step.
Meanwhile he entered the restaurant he notices how Legoshi's hand slide off his grasp. As the wolf was ashamed of being seen hand in hand or something.
Louis turned a slightly around to look asking back at Legoshi when a waitress approached them.
"Good day sirs... Will you two customers share a table, today?" The merino sheep asks.
The deer turns back against her and nods.
"Yes, my-...My friend and I want to eat here today..." Louis starts saying when his eyes noticed how packed the restaurant seems today.
"If...There are any table..." he adds.
The sheep chuckles.
"Yes, as you have noticed we are very crowded today... But, if you are alright with sharing table with two others, then I can give you a table right away... Otherwise you have to wait until there gets an empty table"
Louis glances at Legoshi who nods.
The deer smiles gently at her.
"We are alright with company others..."
"Good, then you gentlemen can follow me and I will show you the way..." the sheep tells them and starts moving further into the restaurant.

Louis gives Legoshi a quick gently touch on his arm before they start following the waitress.
The deer keeps smiling until the waitress stops by a table and tells the two others they will get company of two customers.
His smile dropped immediately when he understood he will company Ibuki and Ogma.
Louis gasps surprised and wides his eyes terrified.
Of all days, why did Ibuki brought Ogma here?
It even seems as Ogma had a gently smile for once until the moment his eyes spotted Louis. The smile faded immediately and his face replaced with a stern expression.
"Good afternoon Louis... You brought a friend with you?" Ogma greets and looks doubtfully at Legoshi who stands behind Louis.
Louis furrows his eyebrows while the waitress tells them, they could sit down and wait until she has fetched the menus to them.
The younger deer clears his throat while he for a short moment glanced at Ibuki who is looking a slightly nervous.
"I'm sorry... I didn't knew you were here... Legoshi and I will find another restaurant... So, enjoy your lunch" Louis says and starts turning against the exist.
The wolf seems relieved that, they will leave and not staying.
Ogma raises an eyebrow.
"No, please stay... It has been a while since we have seen each other... Besides, I'm curious about your friend"
Louis stiffen.
Then he starts chuckling bothered.
"Father, don't you think Ibuki would be bothered if my friend and I are invading your privacy?" Louis says while his eyes moves from Ogma to Ibuki.
"Nonsense" the older deer snorts.
" Sit down son, or do you prefer me staying for dinner at your new home? When I'm thinking about it... You and I haven't spent much time together lately... Perhaps I should stay the weekend with you and Ibuki?"
Louis wides his eyes terrified of the suggestion and stares blankly at the other deer.

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