ch 30; The branded deer

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Louis takes the hands above the surface of the water in the tub.
He looks asking at the palms.
I wonder-... Did Haru suffered similar as I do now, when she were kidnapped by the Shishigumi?... Now when I'm thinking about it-... I never asked Ibuki about that awful evening... I mean... It was pretty obvious they have done something since she had to wear Legoshi's t-shirt... Did she got raped? Or she was only naked since the former boss I killed wanted to devour her without any clothes in the way?

Louis sighs and lowered the hands back into the water there they rest on the thighs.
I am really an awful animal... I never cared enough to ask her... And now she is dead with the knowledged I ghosted her while joining the group of lions who probably gave her nightmares for the rest of her short life...

Louis grits his teeth with a crying noise and jerks forward with lowered head with tears splashing at the otherwise rather calm surface.
He clenched his hands angrily while trembling.
No wonder I ended up here! It's karma since I'm a shitty animal... I'm not only a jerk when it came to her... I'm also a piece of shit for making Bill believing we were dating... And now I'm literally hurting two animals I love... Oh wait...Three!... First of all I'm hurting Pina and Legoshi by dating them both... Then I'm behaving as a spoiled brat around Ibuki... Trying to deny him the chance with dating my father... Who cares I think father is an emotionless jerk? It's not my choice to choose if Ibuki should date him or not...Geez...

Louis inhales sharply through the nose then out through the mouth in a hissing noise.
He stares asking at the reflection on the surface. There his reflection is bouncing with the waves on the surface since the water hasn't completely calmed down yet.
It's not like he has ever really liked himself. Feeling the slightest proud of the animal he has become.
And today he is feeling further away from being proud than usual.
The closest he ever came with being happy about himself was when he was a part of Shishigumi... Did he made the right choice of leaving? Even though he now lives with his favorite lion, he still misses many other members from the group. As Agatha and Free... And the rest of course! He honestly love every single of them. Maybe he could visit them one day? Just dropping by to say hi?

Louis exhales sighing and unclenched the hands while leaning backward with the face tilting up against the ceiling.
It's so silent now-... It almost make me believe everything what happened today was just a dream... I wonder if the members at drama club have missed me yet?... Or...Have they already wrapped up the play and walked to their classes?...

Louis pulls the knees against the chest and wrapped the arms around them. Then he rests the chin on the knees.
"I miss you guys-..." he sighs and closes the eyes almost the same moment as the door swung opened. Which startled the deer so he let's go of the legs and opened the eyes in shock.
"Well well... It seems you are enjoying yourself..." Scar grins while walking against Louis there he then starts sniffing by his ear.
Louis squirms a little. Feeling very uncomfortable.
The lion snorts.
"You still smell as a slut whom have been around few different kind of species... It seems you need cleaning yourself better..."
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"And why would you care how I smell? It's not like you and I will cuddle together as a happy couple..."he rolls the eyes.
These words seem taken Scar back a little. But soon the lion grins widely.
"Oh? You are still fine? Enough for putting up an attitude?" He asks and chuckles amused. Almost staring with obsession at Louis as he thought Louis was one of his best toy he ever has played with.
Louis glares asking at him.
The dark furred lion starts stroking his hand at Louis's face which makes the deer jerk with the head away as he tries telling Scar to keep his hand of him.
Louis grunts bothered after a while when Scar keeps touching his head.
"Perhaps living with a lion has made you tough... Now I'm very curious how much it would take before you my toy, breaks..." Scar purrs while his hand moves down to Louis's throat.
Louis looks asking at him and was about to say something when Scar suddenly twitched and pushed Louis down below the surface.
The startled deer starts waving with his arms and tries getting his head above the water by grabbing something and pushing himself up.
One hand grabbed Scar's arm and tugged at his sleeve. While the other hand tries getting ahold on the edge of the tub, but can't since the wet hand keeps losing its grip of the slippery tub.

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