ch 18 part one; company with the sheep

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Louis was about to pass the gate and walk home when Pina strode across the schoolyard against him.
"WAIT LOUIS-SENPAI~" the sheep shouts while he takes long steps against the deer.
Louis froze.
Oh no... And where did he popped up from?
The animals around them blink asking when they heard Pina shouting after Louis.
Their eyes are following Pina while he reached Louis's right side.
Pina chuckles smugly when he stands  next Louis and looks at his face.
"Good... I were afraid you would disappear before I got out here..."
Louis's eyes looked down at Pina's arm who is rubbing his arm by standing too close. Then they glances up at his lips who moves gracefully when he talks.
Louis's heart skipped a beat when he remembers the kiss they shared a few days ago. Wait. They didn't shared that kiss. It was more like Pina stole a kiss from him.
The deer sighs softly. I wouldn't have anything against if he kissed me again...
Pina snapped his fingers and made Louis to jolt.
"Are you even listening at me?" The sheep asks bothered and tilts his head.
"...Or you are perhaps spellbound of my beauty?" Pina adds grinning and waves his long eyelashes.
Louis starts blushing.
"Of course I listen..." he clears his throat nervously and grabbed his tie hardly.
He starts fiddling with the tie few seconds before he takes his hand away from it.
"You ehm... Wanted something from me?..." he exhales and looks away.
Am I really that desperate from getting rejected that... I want a kiss from a slut like him?!
Pina exhales giggling.
"Well... I really need your help with the play. Can I visit your place and we can do the lines?"
Louis raises an eyebrow and looks asking at him.
"Can't Bill help you? I mean... You two shares most of yours lines together anyway..."
Pina sighs deeply.
"I tried convincing him to rehearse together... But he shoved me off and growled at me to stay away... He usually boasts how strong and awesome he is... But now he is behaving as an afraid kitten..." Pina complains sighing and shakes his head.
"Such a great Romeo I got..." he adds snorting.
Louis gives Pina a tense smile.
"Let me guess... You tried kissing him... And that's why he ran away from you?"
Pina grins mischievous at him.
"Oh no... I wouldn't dare kiss someone before I'm married..." he starts joking.
Louis raises an eyebrow.
Pina smirks.
"Until then...I will only give my daddy a goodnight kiss..." He adds and ran an arm around Louis's shoulders and starts leaning with his face against his.
Louis wides his eyes shocked which many curious animals around them do too.
The deer moves his head away from Pina.
"Kiss me... And you are never welcome to my home..."
"Oh?" Pina jolts and takes his arm of Louis and stands upright.
"Then... I'm welcome home to your house...Like now?"
Louis rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, right..." he snorts.

Louis opened the small black cherry colored gate and passed it with Pina close behind.
The white dall sheep looks curiously around and notices the beautiful flowers.
"Wow... Your yard is awesome... I haven't seen so many flowers in same place..."
Louis looks over his shoulder.
"We have actually a garden club at school... There are many beautiful flowers too"
"We do?... Oh, right! Isn't it there the whore is? What was her name again...Ha-h...Hau?..."
"Haru" Louis snorts and doesn't like the rumors she has. Even though it's true. That, she is a whore. Or more precisely, a slut since she isn't getting paid when she has sex with someone.
Pina chuckles smiling.
"Yes! That's it... Haru..."
Louis starts walking against the door.
"But she isn't anymore... She is together with ...Legoshi..." Louis explains and grits his teeth when he had said the wolf's name.
Pina exhales chuckling and run his hand through strands of wool.
"A whore is still a whore, no matter what..."
Louis furrows his eyebrows and starts turning angrily around against Pina.
"Gosh, it's too warm outside... I shouldn't have brought my jacket" Pina sighs and pulls the collar on his dark blue jacket a few times with his index finger.
The deer rolls his eyes.
"But you will definitely need it when you later get back to school... It will get chilly tonight..." he says and turns back against the door there he starts searching after the key in his own black coat.
The sheep pouts with a loudly grunt.
"Meh... How cold-hearted of you to kick me out later... Can't you at least let me stay the night?" He snorts.
"What if I'm getting killed on my way back to school?" He shrugs.
Louis stiffen with the key in his hand.
Pina noticed how he froze.
The sheep starts snickering and walked up closed to the deer and runs his arms from behind.
"Oh? So... You would actually get sad if something horrible happened me?" Pina hums with his head resting at Louis's shoulder.
Louis's ear closest Pina twitched.
"Of course..." he snorts and shakes Pina off him.
The sheep gasps surprised of his answer.
Louis smirks against him.
"It would be a pain finding a replacement to your role... My dear Julian"
Pina clicks his tongue.
"Yeah sure... That's the only reason..." he shakes his head.
Louis chuckles and opened the door.

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