ch 31; It's time

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Louis sits on the stone floor in a cell with his arms around his legs while playing around with a tiny stone in the hand. His eyes are mostly staring at the stone wall as he thought he could create a window by staring. Asking himself how many hours and perhaps days it has been since he got there.
He thought Scar would want to exchange him as soon he could. Getting the throne as the rightful king.
But it seems he had wrong.
It seems Scar wants keeping him there for a while. But why? Just for fun? Or-... Has Ibuki perhaps declined Scar's demands? ... Maybe Louis has mistaken their relationship... Perhaps Ibuki only keeps Louis as someone he could have fun with. Someone he could toss away the second he gets tired of him.
Louis shakes his head. No why Ibuki would do something like that. Besides... If Ibuki has already declined Scar's demands... Shouldn't that mean Scar would have devoured him right away?

Louis sighs and glances worried at Yuri whom lays at the back on the bed. Panting heavily with infected scars.
If they don't get out from here so Yuri could get his wounds treated, he will probably die any day soon... which is an awful thought.
Louis smiles nervously and let's go of the stone while standing up with the torn shirt stroking at his fur. The shirt reminds him from earlier awful events. He gulps hardly.
Even though his memories from that day are rather foggy, he could still feel the heavy feeling. How something painful is tugging his mind and makes his legs weirdly heavy and hard to move. Making his body completely numb for few moments.

Louis walks a few steps against the bed and looks down at Yuri's sweating face.
"Hi..." Louis says with a low voice.
The other deer blinks his eyes opened with a grunt.
"...Hi..." he exhales exhausted.
Louis presses the lips together while Yuri closes his eyes once again.
"... How-..." he starts asking while Yuri squirms in pain with an arm laying across his stomach.
Yuri peers curiously up at him.
"... How have your life been?" Louis adds asking.
The harmed deer exhales laughing before he starts grunting in pain from  laughing.
"Awful-... So, I don't mind if you let them kill me..." he answers honestly.
Louis parts his lips shocked and shakes his head in protest.
"What? NO!"
Yuri raises an eyebrow.
"Please... I don't have any life to live... Don't hurt yourself for my sake..."he snorts and looks away. His face flinches into a grimace of pain during a few seconds.
Louis stares terrified at him.
Then he exhales a short laugh with a shrug.
"I don't think anyone could have a more awful life than me or any of my friends..." he says a slightly arrogant.
Yuri stares at the bars who separate their cell from the next one.
"I'm forced to-... Sell my body... Mostly as a porn star there disgusting animals are taking pictures of my almost or completely naked body... Sometimes I have even to have sex against my will.... Only because my shitty father left his debts from the mafia on my mother shortly before he disappeared from our life... And since my mother is depressed from losing her oldest child, she can't work... Which made her unable to pay the debts... So, either she had to get killed or I've had to sell myself... So, here I am... Paying the consequences of my jerk to father's choices in life..." Yuri mutters panting.
Louis let's out a surprised air.
"I-... Didn't knew... Sorry..." he furrows the eyebrows ashamed of himself from assuming it could be very unlikely Yuri had a shitty life too.
Yuri furrows his eyebrows a little thoughtfully.
"Don't mind... You didn't knew... So-... You have nothing to apologize for..." the deer states and glances curiously at Louis.
"You look like my mom..." Yuri comments from out of nowhere.
Louis flinches.
"Wh-...Your mom?" He asks with increased heartbeats.
Yuri gives him a small smile.
"Yes-... Despite she is exhausted from life... I can see she has a very proud and beautiful face..." Yuri starts explaining with his words coming out in softer voice as he is getting drowsy.
"Her-..." he yawns while his eyelids starts falling slowly down as curtains over his eyes.
"...She and you have same slender body with narrow shoulders..." Yuri adds before he lidded his eyes completely and start snoring silently with a relaxed face. At least it seems he isn't in pain while asleep.

Louis parts the lips and exhales a short grunting sound as he was about to ask something. But stopped himself in last second since he doesn't want to disturb the sleeping deer.
His eyes moves across the deer against stone wall again.
I wonder when I will finally leave the cell for real... Feeling free from my early childhood and the life father built around me.

Louis sighs and sits down with the back leaning against the side of the rusty bed with a disreputable mattress. The bed creaks when he leans back on it.
He pulls his knees against the chest with the arms around the legs. Then he rest his chin on the knees.
I want to get home-... I wonder why Ibuki hasn't got here... Scar hasn't harmed him, right?

Louis stiffened of the thought something could have happened with Ibuki.
The memory from new years crosses his mind for a short moment. How Ibuki got a bullet in his shoulder which caused him to lean heavily against him.
For a moment there, Louis thought Ibuki would die and leave him vulnerable alone in the world. But it seemed someone wanted him to stay alive and made sure the bullet missed the heart and hitted the shoulder instead. Fate maybe?
But yeah-... Despite the destiny seemed wanted to bless Louis with a greater dad than the one he had. It later laughed him in the face.
If he hadn't been a part of Ibuki's life these days, then Scar wouldn't find any specific interest in him. Maybe the lion wouldn't even take the first flight here if Ibuki hadn't been alive... Which would spare Louis from these awful and painful memories he gets here.
Not like he would wish for something else. As Ibuki would died that day, or he wouldn't invite Louis to be a part of the family. No... Despite the circumstances now, he is very happy and grateful for the time he got with his new dad.

Louis yawns. It seems Yuri's snoring has a drowsy impact on him.
The deer starts blinking slower and slower until he stopped opening the eyes.

The moment the door creaks opened in a loudly shriek, Louis snapped out from his sleep and jolts there he let's go of his legs.
The intimidating lion strode into the cell and glares down at Louis whom stares shocked up at him.
A few hyenas snicker outside the cell.
Louis gulps with pounding heart. He gets a very bad feeling about this.
"It's time..." Scar tells him with a serious expression.
"F-for W-what?!"
The lion snorts.
"We don't have any time for talk... Less talk and more action... The hyenas will give you new clothes for our little travel..."
"EH?!" Louis jolts up on the feet while the hyenas enter the cell with something who looks a slightly as a bathrobe in one of their's arms.
Meanwhile Scar leans against Yuri who has started opening his eyes slowly from the ruckus.

Scar parts the lips near Yuri's ear.
"Now-... If you don't want any harm on your cell mate, then... I suggest you do as told and don't protest..." Scar whispers.
Yuri wides his eyes with increased breathing while staring asking at him.
Scar grins.
"I need you to walk out through the front door and run as fast you could... With Louis's ripped shirt on... If anyone start asking you a few questions... Don't mention a word about Louis or us... Or he will not getting back home like you will if you follow my order..."
Yuri pants heavily with his mind spinning around.
"W-..." he starts saying before he let's out a short breathe.
"Okay... That's a deal..."
The corners of Scar's lips jerk upward.
"Perfect..." he says in low voice before standing upright.

Since the hyenas were tugging on Louis's clothes to get them off him, Louis takes them off with confusion on the face.
Shortly after he was dressed in new and oversized robe-alike clothes; they all except a hyena and Yuri walked out from the cell.
Louis raises an eyebrow and glances curiously over the shoulder at Yuri who grunting sits up on the bed and starts taking his own shirt off to replace it with Louis's.
Scar runs an arm around Louis's narrow shoulders.
"Don't worry dear..."
Louis turns his face asking against Scar who gives him a toothy smile.
"If he does as told, he will soon be at the hospital and get his wounds treated..."
Louis gasps surprised.
"For real?"
"Yes..." the lion answers while leading them through a few tunnel hidden underneath the ground.
  Walking further and further away from the main building they have been in.
The moment they came out from the tunnels and the underground, they got into black cars and drives off...

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