Chapter 15

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REY'S POV: (btw throughout these next few chapters it's like 90% of Rey's point of view)

My belly growled with hunger as I made my way into camp. Before I can go into the dining hall, Stut stops me with a tray of food, "H-hungry?"

I sigh heavily before nodding my head, "Thank you."

I take the food and snarf it down. I'm still hungry afterwards, but I don't say thing.

"R-rose was talking with my sisters acting all h-happy.. she was a-talking about you.. saying- something about um- uh a b-baby," he said honestly, "I-i didn't hear the r-rest cause i had to go o-o-on a patrol.. what are they- um talking about?"

My cheeks grew red, "S-she talked about me?"


I nodded my head slowly before starting to cry once more.. thinking about what happened at the riverbank with Ben earlier.

Stut frowned before placing a hand on my shoulder, "Rey you ok-..." he paused for a second before looking back at me, "are you.. are you p-pregnant?"

My lip trembled, "Y-yes.. please don't tell anyone."

Stut nodded, "I won't, p-promise but don't stress.. th-that's bad for the baby."

Stut then handed me his untouched food, "Eat, y-you need it. I-i'll go get more food."

He then got up and left.

I eat the rest of his before I get up. I'm now more than exhausted and I feel myself grow heavier.

I started walking around a little bit before Stut came back and gave me more food. I finished it before I retired to my room and I laid down in my bed.

As I drifted to sleep, a knock was at the door. I groan before telling them to come in.

Leia walked through the door.

"Oh.. hello general."

"Hi Rey."

I awkwardly sat up in my bunk before facing her once more, "What can I do for you?"

"well, it's more like what you can't do."

I furrow my brow, "What do you mean?"

"I'm excusing you from patrols."

"Why" I ask, "I'm perfectly capable!"

She smiled, "Oh I know, but for now your excused until your baby is born."

I gasped, "You know?"

She nodded, "I know what an expectant female looks like, let's not forget I was once pregnant."

She headed toward the door and paused, "You'll make a wonderful mother Rey.. an asset to the Resistance." With that, she turned and left.


"Alright, are you nervous?" the nurse asked.

"A little," I say a little shaky.

2 days had passed and Leia and I are doing an ultrasound together. I didn't want to be alone while seeing my unborn baby, so I brought her.

"Alright, ready? Let's get right to it!" The nurse gently lift my shirt and pressed her fingers gently against my stomach, "your stomach is a little swollen, but that's very normal for females."

She carried on and squeezed the gooey, cold substance on my stomach. I flinched a little from the coldness but relaxed.

After a few seconds of swirling the substance on my stomach, the nurse came to a halt and pointed at the screen, "there," she pointed at what I assumed was the baby, "healthy and strong."

My lip trembled a little as I smiled, "look Leia." I say as I take her hand.

"Gorgeous.." was all I heard her say.

The nurse then pressed a few buttons and a few papers in square boxes printed out.

She handed them to me, "Here are the photos. Your 14 1/2 weeks along. I hope you enjoy.. -oh wait! I almost forgot!"

"Oh what is it?"

"Would you like to know the gender of the baby?" she asked smiling.

My eyes lightened up as I looked at Leia before looking back at the nurse, "Please?!"

The nurse clapped her hands excitedly, "Well love you're having.. a baby girl!"

I gasped, "Oh my!" I was excited and hugged Leia tightly.

Me and Leia waved the nurse goodbye once we were done. Leia accompanied me back to the bunk while I kept staring at the photos.

"Rey!" I turned around and saw Rose running towards us. She slowed down once she was near.

"How did it go?" she asked.

I smile, "Great! Look at the photos!"

Rose studied them before squealing with delight, "Oh my god, so cute!"

I laugh before walking into our bunk, "Come on, let's show the others!"

We did, Kat, Bronwyn, Connix all looked at the photos as I sat on my bed looking at them. They were the most chaotic, but adorable friends yet. And I'm glad to have them.

After a long day of talking, we finally went to bed. I was the last one awake.

As I'm about to fall asleep, the familiar rumble filled my ears. I gently turned my head and saw Ben laying awake looking at me.

Uncomfortable in my position, I flip over and face him without saying a word.

A heavy silence is in the air as we stare at each other. Our bond changing a little bit. Our connections used to be every day, now it's every few days.

I'm scared to speak but I do, "I'm sorry.."

He leans forward and kisses me, "Don't apologize.. it's ok."

"But I-"

"Shh.. it's ok. All that matters is me, you, and our baby, that's all I care about."

He comes forward, wrapping one arm around me while his other gently laid at my stomach. I smiled softly as I lay my hand on top of his. I press against him and fall asleep in his arms to end our day wonderfully..

Hope you enjoyed another chapter will come out tomorrow probably.. next chapter Rey's probably gonna lie, <3

In a galaxy far, far, away,

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