Chapter 25

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Ben sat in his meeting with his anxiety clawing at the back of his mind. He sighed as one of his lieutenants kept going on and on about the supremacy.

"Alright, that's enough," Ben yelled. Everyone went quiet and looked at him confused, "we'll continue this discussion tomorrow, your dismissed."

"But sir-" the female tried to argue but Hux cut her off.

"For goodness sake listen to your Supreme Leader and leave!" The lieutenant scoffed at Hux before leaving, Hux following shortly after.

Ben wasn't surprised at all with his outtake. When Rey left Padme with him he sent for a nursing droid immediately. He tried to calm her down but she couldn't, she kept crying and crying until she cried herself to sleep.

Ben felt terrible because Padme hadn't remembered his face enough to know that she's safe with him. She cried for at least two days straight until she finally stopped and realized that there was no point.

Now that is was a month, Padme would start to cry whenever he wasn't around. Wanting constant attention from him, but Ben couldn't always be there with her. He had things to do and he would always had to cut them short for her, he always made sure there was a nursing droid in his room to watch over her when he was away.

No one knew that Ben was taking care of her, but he only told Hux and his knights. Hux understood right away and didn't question it and promised not to tell. The knights were excited and happy to know Ben was a father.

Now, Ben sat in his meeting chair thinking as everyone left and he then shortly did afterward. Heading toward the main hanger to meet with his Knights.

As he walked down the hall, he couldn't stop thinking about Rey. His Rey. He was worried for her. He was so confused and left in the dark when Rey had to give up Padme. She didn't specify why nor give him a reason, he felt fear radiating off of her as she handed her to him. It was unlike her. Ben knew how much she loved their daughter and he always wondered why she gave up Padme.

As Ben entered the hanger, he went to the far corner where his knights were. He grumbled a greeting and sat down with them.

"Why the sad face brother?" Vicrul asked.

Ben shrugged, "Worried about Rey.."

Ap'lek sighed, "I'm sure she's ok, she's a strong girl, she can handle herself."

"I know.. it's just-"

"Ren there you are!" Ben turned around and saw Hux walking in there direction, "I have been needing to speak-"

"What is it? How's my daughter? Is she alright?"

Hux sighed, "That's what I was going to speak to you about.. I received a word from the nursing droid that she has been crying majority of the day.. I'm sure it's nothing."

Ben stood up immediately, "Nothing?! Where is she?"

Hux's face went white, "W-where she always is.. i-in your chambers!"

As Ben stomped away from Hux and his Knights, he stormed through the halls and went all the way to his chambers without bothering to listen to anyone trying to speak with him. Ben was overall protective of Padme, and would do anything for her.

As Ben stormed through his door, he pushed past the nursing droid and went straight to Padme, and picked her up gently. All the anxiety and anger that built up, went away as it crumbled into nothing. Padme's presence soften Ben. 

He kissed her forehead and held her close as he tried to calm her down, "What's wrong princess?" his voice soft as a feather, "You're not going to cry like this everytime I leave you?"

Padme me started to coo softly once realizing he was back and Ben sighed, "Of course you are. You're so stubborn, you remind me of your mother."

Ben took off his gloves, then his cape and held her close. He took her in his arms while sitting on his bed. He sighed as he rubbed his daughter's back.

Then his comlink went off. He realized it was Vicrul contacting him, "Ren.. we understand you have to take care of her daughter, but we need to speak with you."

"Alright, come to my chambers," Ben then shut off the call and settled down more into his bed until he was laying down. Ben watched Padme as he laid next to him, making grunts and baby noises as her curious eyes scanned over him. Ben softly smiled in return.

"Ren?" Vicrul called out from the other side of the door.

Ben then used the force to let them in and shut it once they were all inside. Ben hurriedly stood up in bed and held Padme against his chest as they all crowded into his room.

"What?" Ben asked, a little irritated.

"Sorry sir.. but it's just we have nothing to do around here, is there like anything we can do for you, or for us?" Vicrul asked.

Ben shook his head, "Not much.. I have been wanting to make a peace treaty with the Resistance, but I don't think the First Order is ready yet."

"Oh.. well why don't you contact your mother?" Kuruk butted in.

Ben's head snapped up, a little bristled. He doesn't remember the last time he saw or talked to his mother. He always tried to forget about her and always wanted nothing to do with her.. but Ben realized that now was the time.

"Sorry sir.. I didn't mean to let it come out like that." Kuruk said uneasily.

"No.. your right." Ben said as he stood up, still clinging onto Padme, "If I want this war to end and see Rey again.. I have to talk to her."

Ben then handed Padme to Vicrul, "Hold her for a second.. and don't.drop.her." He said sternly.

Vicrul nodded his head as Ben put back on his cape and then his gloves before contacting Hux to come immediately. He sighed as he took Padme back in his arms as he made his way to his own control panel.

He put in a secret code he hadn't used in so many years.. it was his mother's and his code if there were emergencies. Leia taught him the code when he was 9 and Ben had remembered it since then. He hesitated right when he was about to put in the distress call, wondering if this is the right choice. He swallowed and finally pressed it..

Yellowwwww hope you enjoyed it haha, next chapter is going to be Leia's third POV :D

In a galaxy far, far, away,

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