Chapter 2

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Rey's eyes begged her to close as she laid her head on Ben's leg.

She's been laying there for quite some time. But as they do, she can feel herself lose more blood than she already lost.

After fighting to stay awake, she can feel herself give up..

¨Rey? Rey! Hey, hey wake up! Stay awake!¨

Rey can feel Ben slightly rub under her chin so she can stay awake. She lazily opened her eyes to look at him.

Her eyes slightly widen as she saw fear in his eyes. As she goes to say something, the doors burst open as General Hux storms in with several troops..

~Bens POV~

Ben lifted is head up as Hux walked in with several of his troops. Ben saw the horror in his eyes as he saw the dead bodies before them, one of them being Snoke himself.

His face flares up as he walks towards him, ¨What happened?!¨

¨The Resistance ship caused the impact.. causing a shockwave making everything fall apart.¨

Hux narrowed his eyes at him, of course not believing him.

In doing so, Ben pushes into his mind, mind-tricking him,

¨This is what happened..¨

His face relaxes, ¨This is what happened,¨ he says, in almost a robotic voice.

¨I am the Supreme Leader now.. ¨ Ben continues.

¨You are the Supreme Leader now..¨

After neglecting, medics come in to help Rey. As they took her away, she cried in pain and agony. Ben wanted to be with her, but knew he couldn't..

~A few hours later~

Ben watched as the medic droids did surgery on Rey. Wincing silently whenever they pulled out a piece of metal from her stomach.

His mind drifted where they were in the elevator together. Trying to remember everything about her at that time. Thinking how her milky- tanned skin out shined any star in the galaxy. How her hair fell beautifully past her shoulders, nicely curled. How her lips parted when she talked to him. How-

His mind got cut off by Hux speaking to him,

¨Supreme Leader.. I know your mind is elsewhere, but what do we do with the Resistance?¨

Ben gulped, not hesitating his answer, 

¨Nothing.. for now,¨ He says sternly.

¨Nothing?! But your.. ¨Hux sighed, ¨Yes, Supreme Leader.. ¨

Hux then walked away with an unamused expression by Bens answer. As he does, one of the medical droids steps out of the room.

¨How is she?¨ Ben asks quietly.

¨She is going to be fine, but since she lost a lot of blood, she needs lot of rest and time to heal. She also will need help bathing, maybe a little help with eating, it depends on her, but other than that, she's ok. Also she will start to wake soon.¨

Ben sighed with relief as he nodded his head before shooing the droids away and walking into the room.

Bens heart quickened as he saw Rey sleeping peacefully . He walked over to her and sat down looking at her, taking in all her beautiful features.

After sitting there for a long time, Ben realized how tired he was from the throne room.

He laid his head down on Rey's bed and fell asleep.. waiting for her to wake up soon..

I know this chapter is short, but its better than nothing right? Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter? :D

In a galaxy far, far, away,
     -Kira <3

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