Chapters 2-

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Next day

Marwah's POV:

I said my goodbyes to Mom, who dropped me off at school like she always did. I walk over to my locker
And took out my history books.

"Hii bestie" I hear Nathaly voice, I closed my locker and turn around she ran towards hugging me.
"Nathaly oh god" I said hugging her back.

She laughs stepping back looking at me.
"Sorry...I just was excited to see my bestie" she says fixing my hijab.

"It's fine" i smile at her.

"Hello" I turn to see gicel walking towards us.
"Hey" I hug her.

"You okay?" I ask her which she nods. "Only slept for 4 hours" that makes sense.

Literally making up so early and to come to history No.

The bell rings which all of us sighs.

We said our byes to Nathaly and head to our first class. Me and gicel sit down on our seat.

Me and gicel were talking when our history teacher Mr. Bennett Started today's lesson.

He gave us textbooks assignments and sat back down in his seat.


I looked at gicel she kept on looking around, I tapped her shoulder she look at me blushing. "What happen? You keep on looking around?" She smiles "you see Noah friend Allen, he's sitting at the back and I caught him staring at me I think he likes me."
She says with a smile.

I just love it when she's happy. I nodded smiling "I see" "aren't you going to turn in look to see him? Huh?" She questions me.

"What are you crazy, then he will know we are talking about him. And I can't just turn and look at's awkward." She nods smiling.

"If he become my boyfriend, I will feel safe with you, because my best-friend won't cheat on me with him."
I gasp hitting her shoulder. "Kidding...I'm kidding sorry" she says laughing.

"Bruh if Nathaly was here, she would have gotten me embarrassed already"

End of POV


Time passed now it was lunch time.

Marwah was sitting down she was on her phone waiting for Nathaly and Gicel.

"what's up Marie." Gicel said, making Marwah look up from her phone and hugging her.

Both sat down on the cafeteria chair. "Did you saw Nathaly's text, how she went home due to some emergency." Said gicel.

Marwah nods "she said it's nothing to worry about."

"You didn't get any lunch?" Marwah shakes her head
"I don't feel like it." Gicel nods "same."

Just then they look up to see a boy coming close to their table " disturb I am new here, I really don't know anyone here, can I sit here if you don't mind." Gicel and Marwah looks at each other.

"Yes sure." Gicel reply smiling.

"Thank you." He said sitting down in the middle opposite of them.

"What's your name?" Gicel starts the conversation.

"I'm David...and you?" He smiles "Gicel and this is my friend Marwah, but I call her Marie" She taps Marwah shoulder gently.

Marwah smiles.

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