Chapter 37

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She has been the focus of Noah's attention for the past hour. They both went to bed after praying Fajr together, but Noah woke up an hour ago. He was lying next to his wife, admiring her beauty as he gazed at her.

His left hand was wrapped around her waist and his right hand was on her hair as it came down to her lips.

His love for her was growing and he had no control over it.

She had such beautiful, curly hair, which he kept lovingly touching. She opened her eyes as a result of his movement because he leaned down and kissed her face without knowing or being in control.

There eyes connected right then he felt gulity of his action. "Good morning my wife." she grinned and reply back to him.

"What time is it?!" She looks at him as she touches his face. "It should be 9 now." He answered enjoying her touch and close his eyes.

"When did you wake up? Noah" He leans in closer, only a few inches from her lips, and opens his eyes to look at hers.

He didn't respond since his eyes were fixed on hers. He was expressing love, obsession, possession, and respect with the same glance.

just then he spoke "All of me Loves all of you." he kissed her forehead.

He leans back and smiles as he observes her shy, blushing face. She looked down while playing with his shirt. "You know —you should let your beard grow from now on."

"Really!?" she nods with shy smile.


"All right, now you may look!" Noah said quickly stepping back from her, So he can get better view of her Reaction. She open her eyes and looks around.

Her eyes widens as she looks around Amazed. "Yes--this is our own home!---where we will live forever inshallah!" While observing her, he adds. He was happy with how she reacted.

She gasp as she looks around again.

He had sold his manion where he was living alone before. Where all the bad memeories were there with him. So he decied to buy new one just for them. He wanted start his life fresh.

her gaze lands on him. He was standing there looking at her, her eyes soften then she walks towards him and hugs him, just being emotional.

"You don't like it?!" His expressions changes looking at her.

She shakes her head. "I love it—-" she adds. "It's so beautiful. Alhamdiulah"

Just then they hard a knock on the door. Noah and Marwah exchange looks.

He left her and open the door and was shock to see Ben standing there looking back at him.


Ben started talking as they were all seated in the living room, but Noah cut him off.

"So---You're saying my father has ca-ncer?!" Marwah who was sitting by her husband hold his hand.

Ben nods. "it's been a while since he diagnosed with cancer stage one but now it's has been serious. This why he wanted to apolozie to both of you and fix the problems that he created."

Noah's eyes began to tear up. "He tried to talk to you, but each time you denied him. He was in such pain. He is in pain—regret—both physically and mentally. All he wants is to see his son." Ben muttered, glancing down.

Marwah stared at ben. He surely was around Logan age.

No one said anything for a minute.  "I myself came here, he does not know.--" "Where is he?!" Noah said standing up looking at him with glare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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