Chapter 34

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Today I'm working from home in my office. When my phone started ringing. I look at the screen to see Noah calling.

Wow. Noah calling me.

I answered the call.

Allen: who remembered me after a long time. Not answering my calls.

Noah: I did answer your texts. I was just busy.

Allen: okay I forgive you. So, what's up? How are you doing?

Noah: I have great news!"

Allen: I can see the smile on your face already. What is it?

Noah: I'm getting married soon.


Noah: yup—-I wanted to invite you.

Allen: WITH WHO? AND HOW? ——I-I mean that's good. That you decided to move on and forgot her. I'm so happy for you.

Noah: Allen you're funny. I'm getting married to Marwah. If it's not her it's not no one else.

Allen: but? She agreed? After whatever she did you forgive her? How?


Gicel slowly enters his office room. Allen was facing his window, so his back was facing her.

She walks up to him and stands next to him. He was lost in his thoughts. "Baby." She calls him softly.

Allen turns to face her. She hugged him. "You, okay?" He heard her say. He pulls back and looks at her. "Do you remember Marwah?!" Her eyes widen.

"Marwah as a Marie? My best friend?!" He nods.
"So how do I start—Noah is getting married to her soon."

"What?! She came back after so long?" Gicel took steps back with hurt expressions.

"You remember how was she disappeared so suddenly.  Noah's dad had threatened them to move away from Noah. Logan, he showed up in her house with men's and gun." Gicel gasp.

As Allen continues "he had sold their house giving the money to them. Her mother had booked a ticket and moved to Dubai that year. She was forced to leave, she never betrayed Noah!"

Gicel sat down on the sofa. He continued telling her all about how he found first her in the pediatrics. To how he was rude to her.

A tear left Gicel eyes. She stood up as Allen wipes them. "How will I face her? Honey? I was so mean to her, and I remember I even touched her, pulled her wrist harshly. She even fainted.!"

"I—-I don't know how to take this information. I'm mad at you for hurting her but at the same time if I was in your position, I would've done the same.!" Hearing this Allen hugged her tightly.

After some minutes she pulled back kissing him. "Everything will be alright okay." Both of them nod.

"I want to be there for Noah plus he will be getting married. Why don't we visit them for some time.?!" Gicel nods, looking down.

"Marie went through so much! Gosh I was so mad at her that I didn't even mention her anymore. I too thought she left us all." She touches her hair and  looks at Allen. "Then Nathaly?! Why did Nathaly lie to us about her?" Allen nodded too. "Right. Remember how she won the lottery so suddenly and she stopped talking to us and moved away."


Three days later.

"We will miss you.!" Marwah's coworker said walking with her to her car. As he was holding a medium box with Marwah's stuff inside.

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